Chapter 1741 The Twins

Su Yi can be sure that the Spider Queen must have used the magical power of [Fury].

[Fury] The maximum strength value can be increased by 20 kilograms.

The Spider Queen's original strength value exceeded 30 kilograms, but now her strength value has reached at least 50 kilograms, which is simply not something he can compete with.

Su Yi immediately cast [Mirror Image Clone], and after the main body became invisible, he quietly dodged aside.

At this moment, the spider queen punched Su Yi's clone.

There was a loud bang.

Su Yi's avatar exploded into pieces, turning into fragments all over the sky.

"Clone?" The Spider Empress focused her mind and turned around quickly.

His reaction was fast enough, but it was still not as fast as Su Yi's shot.

However, a cold light flashed across the sky, and the Xuantian Zhanling Sword slashed down in the air.


A sword was struck in the Spider Queen's body, and a long slit was opened in her chest, and bright red blood spurted out, instantly staining her body red.

"I must kill you!" The spider queen endured the pain and rushed towards Su Yi like crazy.

Su Yi didn't back down this time, and the supernatural power of [Fury] activated, his whole body was filled with a layer of bloody light, like a blood man, and his appearance was even more ferocious.

"How could you be furious?" The Spider Queen was stunned for a moment.

"Hey!" Su Yi sneered, and smashed a bloody fist in the air.

The Spider Queen gritted her teeth, and also bombarded the past with her fists.

The two fists collided fiercely, and there was a loud bang.

Under the impact of the two forces, Moonlight City trembled violently.

"What kind of existence is Su Yi fighting with?" Ling Nianyao looked at the strange situation in Moonlight City, with a hint of shock on his face.

After a collision, the Spider Queen was smashed to the ground.

Su Yi was a little better, but he also retreated dozens of steps. After stabilizing his figure, he muttered to himself, "It's really strong!"

This time head-to-head, although he had the upper hand, the main reason was that the Spider Queen was slashed twice and suffered serious injuries, resulting in a sharp drop in strength.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be the opponent of the Spider Queen.

"Little Spider, should I be convinced this time?" Su Yi took a breath and slowly approached the Spider Queen.

"Su Yi, you forced me!" The spider queen's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Is there a hole card?" Su Yi frowned, and soon realized that the Spider Queen hadn't revealed her real body yet.

Generally speaking, the strongest combat power will erupt when the real body is revealed.

Thinking of this, Su Yi rushed up quickly.

But at this moment, a white horse that exudes a bone-chilling cold rushed towards him.

"Ice spirit energy?" Su Yi frowned, raised his hand and punched.

clack clack.
The violent power shot out, easily smashing the white horse.

When Su Yi was about to continue attacking, he suddenly froze.

I saw a white-clothed woman appearing inexplicably next to the Spider Queen.

Except for the different color of the clothes, no matter in terms of figure or appearance, she was actually the same as the Spider Queen.

"Twins?" Su Yi muttered.

He guessed that the woman in white should be hiding in the body of the Spider Queen.

Otherwise, it is impossible to suddenly appear here.

The woman in white glanced at Su Yi, and said coldly: "Human, how dare you hurt my sister, you deserve to die!"

Seeing that the white girl was about to make a move, the Spider Queen stopped her and said, "Little sister, this human is too strong! Let's kill him together!"

The woman in white nodded slightly.

Then, the two jumped into the air.

The Spider Queen's body was once again burning with raging flames, while the woman in white was shrouded in a layer of white mist.

(End of this chapter)

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