Chapter 1747 One Hundred Adult Titans
"Yes!" Little Stone started to make rock spirits.

One hundred, two hundred and one thousand.

In just 10 minutes, the total number reached [-].

At this time, Luo Junnan had gathered his manpower, and he could launch a counterattack just waiting for Su Yi's order.

"When you will kill out, set up a defensive formation as soon as possible." Su Yi gave a warning, and walked out first.

Just when it was about to reach the entrance of the passage, the cobblestones trembled violently, and it continued continuously.

Apparently, the cobblestones are under attack again.

Moreover, the intensity of the attack this time far exceeded the previous one.

"Number 2, what is attacking us?" Su Yi asked immediately.

[Smart Chariot] immediately said: "Su Yi, the other party is driving an aircraft to hit the cobblestone."

"Suicide attack?" The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly

The explosive power of the aircraft is so powerful that it can indeed cause great damage to the pebbles.

But didn't the aliens who piloted the aircraft also die?Aliens are so willing to go out?
Su Yi quickly realized that this kind of suicide attack must be arranged by the golden armored beast, and the aliens had no choice at all.

It has to be said that the golden-armored beast does have a strong command ability, and it is quite ruthless!
"Sooner or later, I'll kill you!" Su Yi snorted softly, his thoughts spinning rapidly.

The pebbles will crumble sooner or later, subject to constant impact from aircraft.

Therefore, right now it is necessary to dispose of the opponent's aircraft.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then called Wukong, Nannan, Soul Beast, and Sky-Splitting Eagle to his side, and said to him, "You four in pairs, and shoot down all the flying machines in the sky."


The four spiritual pets led away.

Su Yi turned to Luo Junnan and said, "City Lord Luo, the counterattack is suspended."

If those aircraft are not dealt with, even if they counterattack, they will suffer heavy casualties.

"Understood." Luo Junnan nodded.

Su Yi then walked out of the passage and flew onto the cobblestone.

At this moment, the sky is densely packed with shadows of aircraft, and the total number exceeds a thousand.

Whenever an aircraft flies over the cobblestones, it will dive down.

Su Yi snorted coldly, and raised his hand to smash out [Tianma Meteor Fist].

bang, bang, bang
Suddenly, there was an explosion in the air.

One hundred aircraft were smashed to pieces one after another, like fireworks blooming, gorgeous and dazzling.

Nuan rode a soul beast, and Wu Kong rode a sky-cracking eagle, moving gracefully in the air. Everywhere they went, a flying machine was destroyed.

With the joint efforts of Su Yi and the four spiritual pets, thousands of aircraft were destroyed one by one, and the crisis was temporarily lifted.

Su Yi had just landed, and before he had time to catch his breath, a loud horn sounded on the battlefield.

Every time the horn sounded, it meant that the aliens were going to launch a large-scale attack.

So what kind of way will it be this time?
Su Yi swept his gaze straight ahead, and tall figures appeared in his sight.

Each figure was thirty feet high, and it was a group of adult Titans, a total of one hundred.

"So much?" Su Yi swallowed, his face extremely serious.

If a hundred titans attack at the same time, no one can stop it, and even destroy the pebbles.

"They must be killed." Su Yi's eyes became cold.

There is only one way at present, use [Demon Comes into the World]!
(End of this chapter)

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