Chapter 1748 Instant Kill
thump, thump, thump
The heavy sound of landslides came from far and near.

When a hundred adult Titans were 300 meters away from the rear base, Qi Qi stopped.

"Su Yi, aren't you very annoying? Don't you want to kill me? Come here! I'll give you a chance!" The golden armored beast stood on the head of a giant titan and shouted.

Su Yi looked up and smiled contemptuously, "Today you will definitely die!"

"Haha!" The golden armored beast laughed wildly, "Do you really think you are invincible? Kill one and I'll see."

Su Yi ignored it, and turned to the [Smart Chariot] and said: "No. 2, take everyone into the cobblestone, and pay attention to me."

If you use [Demon Comes into the World], you will lose your mind, and only have killing in your mind.

Whether it is a beast or a human race, anyone who appears in sight is a hunting target.

Be sure to settle yourself down before using it.

[Smart Chariot] Surprised, he knew very well that Su Yi was about to fight.

Once Su Yi used that secret technique, he was completely reduced to a killing machine.

The terrifying strength and madness left an indelible impression on him.

[Smart Chariot] Dazed for a moment, he roared: "Su Yi ordered everyone to enter the cobblestone."

Although everyone didn't know what was going on, since it was Su Yi's order, they just followed it.

After everyone entered the cobblestone, Su Yi slowly walked towards the golden armored beast.

"Dare you really come here?" The eyelids of the golden armored beast twitched.

Even with the protection of a hundred adult titans, it still gave him a kind of panic.

Su Yi walked all the way, and the foreigners around him gave way one after another.

When the distance between the two was 100 meters, the murderer in golden armor was frightened and shouted anxiously: "Kill Su Yi!"

The ten giant titans roared and rushed towards Su Yi frantically.

Su Yi's eyes were extremely cold, and with a slight flicker, they exuded an evil brilliance.

At this time, his body also rose a bit, and a layer of black mist was lingering on it, adhering to the skin as if covered with a layer of black scales.

At this moment, the profound magic power [Magic Advent] has been used!
"To die!"

When ten giant titans rushed forward, Su Yi grinned, and raised his hand to hit [Storm Hammer].


The giant black hammer shadow roared upwards, instantly submerging the ten Titans.

clack clack.
Accompanied by a crackling sound, the ten Titans were instantly torn into pieces.

"I rely on!"

Seeing this scene, all around were exclaimed.

All the aliens were dumbfounded, and their hearts beat violently.

How powerful is an adult titan that he was instantly killed by Su Yi's punch?

Just how terrifying is Su Yi's strength?
Is this still human?

"How could this be?" The golden-armored beast froze.

Why did Su Yi become so powerful?

Killing an adult titan is like killing a chicken, its strength is unimaginably terrifying!

Who can punish Su Yi?
The human side among the cobblestones was also stunned when they saw this scene.

The strong man in the iron tower had a shocked expression on his face, and he kept muttering, "My damn! My damn, it turns out that Su Yi is already so powerful!"

Da Mo and Er Bai looked at each other, they could feel the shock in each other's eyes.

It turned out that when Su Yi fought with them, he didn't use all his strength at all!

"Master is too strong!" Wukong shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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