Chapter 219

Sure enough, as soon as Pei Lin finished speaking, a figure walking over from a distance was none other than Su Yi.

"Su Yi is back!"

Pei Li was overjoyed.

The gray old man and others also stepped forward to greet Su Yi.

"Old Duan Muhai of Wind Wing City, I have met you, Senior." The grizzled old man said respectfully.

Although he is several rounds older than Su Yi, this world is a world where the strong are respected.

Su Yi's strength is unmatched, and he deserves to be called 'senior'.


Su Yi was a little speechless.

He was only 17 years old, and this call made him feel decades older.

"Old man, my name is Su Yi, you can call me by name." Su Yi smiled.


Duan Muhai nodded, and then asked: "Su Yi, which city are you from?"

"Origin City."

Su Yi said lightly.

"Yuancheng, Su Yi!"

The others silently chanted in their hearts at the same time.

Yuancheng and Fengyicheng are similar cities, so it is incredible that such a talented person can be born.

"Su Yi, you shouldn't be twenty yet, right?" Duan Muhai asked tentatively.

Su Yi is strong and looks very young.

How big is it?

This aroused his deep interest.


Su Yi said casually.

"Only seventeen?"

Duan Muhai and the others almost dropped their jaws.

At the age of 17, he should still be a freshman in high school.

A freshman in high school has such tyrannical strength?

"Su Yi, I have never seen such a monstrous genius like you. Maybe in the near future, you will become the number one powerhouse of Blue Star."

Duan Muhai regained his composure, and sighed sincerely.

"The old man is ridiculous." Su Yi smiled.

Although, becoming the number one strongest player in Blue Star was his long-awaited goal.

But after all, there is a long way to go, and there is no need to show it in a high-profile manner.

"Su Yi's future achievements are bound to be extraordinary."

Duan Muhai said in his heart.

Ordinary young people, if they had Su Yi's strength, would have been carried away and carried away long ago.

But Su Yi was very humble.

With this kind of heart, coupled with super talent, even if he can't become the number one powerhouse of Blue Star, he will definitely be a famous power.

"Su Yi, where's the golden-scaled mang?"

At this time, Pei Lin asked.

"Let it run away." Su Yi replied.

Jin Linmang had already been loaded into the [Qiankun Ring], and it would not be too late to inform Pei Lin when he returned.

"Run and run."

Pei Lin nodded.

Although it was a pity that Jin Linmang was not killed, as long as Su Yi was safe and sound.

"Old man, I'll leave first if I have nothing else to do." Su Yi greeted.

The harvest of this trip was huge, far exceeding his expectations, so there was no need to stay.

"It just so happens that we have to go back, let's go together." Duan Muhai said.

A genius like Su Yi will surely become a superpower in the future, and he intends to make friends with him.

"Okay, let's go together."

Su Yi didn't care.

Later, the two sides walked out of the foggy forest together.

An hour later, he walked out of the foggy forest smoothly.

"Su Yi, remember to come to me when you go to Fengyi City in the future." Duan Muhai said with a smile.

Yuan City and Fengyi City are not in the same direction, and they should be separated when they get here.


Su Yi nodded.

Just when the two sides were about to separate, a group of people suddenly walked up to them. Judging from their costumes, they were not mercenary regiments, but more like members of a certain family.

When this group of people approached, Duan Muhai's expression became concentrated, and he respectfully greeted a majestic old man among them: "Patriarch Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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