Chapter 220
"So it's the old Duan of the Celestial Silkworm Mercenary Corps, what are you doing here?"

The majestic old man nodded slightly, his expression a little haughty.

His name is Wei Cangming, and he is the current head of the Wei family in Windwing City.

The Wei family is one of the largest families in Fengyi City, just like the four major families in Yuan City.

And he himself is a wood-type spiritual cultivator at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Gathering Soul Realm, no matter where they are, they can be considered strong, and they do have a bit of pride.

"We originally came to hunt Jinlinmang. We never thought that Jinlinmang is too powerful, so we can only return in vain." Duan Muhai quickly explained.

As for Jin Linmang being beaten away by Su Yi, he didn't mention it.

"Jin Linmang's strength far surpasses the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and you still want to hunt and kill it, you are indeed a bit overconfident."

Wei Cangming sneered, and then asked, "Have you found any traces of the dead grass?"

The purpose of his trip is to cut off the grass.

Cutting grass is the best thing for wood-type spirituality to condense concrete objects. As a wood-type spirituality, I naturally covet it.


Duan Muhai quickly replied.

Although the flow-stopping grass appeared in the pool in the valley, their attention was all on the golden scale mang at that time.

In addition, Su Yi sent the cut-off grass into the [Qian Kun Ring] in a very short period of time, so he didn't notice the existence of the cut-off grass.

Wei Canghai ignored him, and walked straight forward. Just when he was in the same body as Su Yi, his expression changed violently.

"Boy, stop!"

Wei Cangming stopped, squinted his eyes at Su Yi, and said in an orderly tone.

Just now, he clearly felt a faint wood spirit emanating from Su Yi's body.

As a wood-type spiritual cultivator, I have a special perception of wood aura, which is absolutely unmistakable.

This also means that Su Yi must have wood-type spiritual materials on his body.

"Is something wrong?"

Su Yi looked at Wei Cangming and said calmly.

"Boy, do you have wood-type spiritual material on you? Take it out and let me have a look." Wei Cangming said coldly.


Su Yi replied calmly.

He could imagine that Wei Cangming must have sensed the breath of the dead grass.

But this point is strange, the cutting grass is placed in the [Qiankun Ring], and it cannot leak its breath at all, how did Wei Cangming know?
In fact, he didn't know that when he was catching Duanliucao, Duanliucao was briefly exposed.

There was inevitably a tinge of breath on his body, although it was very faint, it was caught by Wei Cangming keenly.

"Whether it's up to you or not." Wei Cangming snorted coldly.

He has absolute confidence in his feelings, so he believes that Su Yi is not telling the truth.

"what do you want?"

Su Yi frowned.

Listening to the tone of the other party, if he doesn't hand over his things, it will be difficult to leave.

Duan Muhai and the others became a little nervous.

After all, Wei Cangming is a strong man in Soul Gathering Realm, if he insists on embarrassing Su Yi, how will Su Yi deal with it?

"It's very simple, let me search you if you are sensible." Wei Cangming said.

The tone is very calm, but full of unquestionable meaning.

It seems to be saying, whether you agree or not, the autonomy does not belong to you, but to me.


Su Yi's eyes gradually narrowed, and a fire of ignorance arose spontaneously.

So what if the weed is on him?

Why is the other party searching?
Do you think he can handle him at will because he is a soul-gathering martial artist?

(End of this chapter)

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