Chapter 263 Indestructible Body
Seeing that Su Lin wasn't paying attention, Su Yi said in a deep voice, "If you don't work harder, Lao Cao will surpass you, so you won't be ashamed when the time comes."


Su Lin frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

Cao Qinglang's second-level energy and blood realm cultivation base, 2-star talent, no matter what she can't compare with her, what can surpass her?

"Old Cao has already been promoted to the seventh level of Qi and Blood Realm, and you are only at the sixth level of Qi and Blood Realm. What right do you have to look down on others?"

Su Yi left these words and walked straight into the room.

If you don't provoke Su Lin, this little girl is probably still in a state of ecstasy, how can she improve?

"Qi and blood level seven."

Su Lin was stunned.

Su Yi returned to the room and directly dialed Li Zhenfeng's phone number.

"Su Yi, what's the matter?"

"Principal, does our Blue Star have a physique that can be continuously promoted by swallowing pills?" Su Yi said straight to the point.

"How stupid are you? As we all know, no matter who you are, you can advance to the next level by taking pills, but there is a problem of probability." Li Zhenfeng laughed.

Su Yi knew that he didn't make it clear, so he explained: "I mean to keep swallowing pills without any side effects, and can advance consecutively in a short period of time."

"No side effects?"

Li Zhenfeng frowned.

Taking pills does have a certain probability of being promoted, but you can't eat too much.

Eating too much will create a kind of dependence, which will affect the subsequent cultivation.

In addition, no matter what kind of elixir, it is toxic to a certain extent. Once you eat too much, it will cause great damage to your body.

So generally speaking, in each stage, taking two pills is enough.

"Su Yi, why are you asking this?"

Li Zhenfeng asked suspiciously.

"Principal, please answer me first, do you have this kind of physique?" Su Yi asked rhetorically.

Li Zhenfeng pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "A few years ago, I heard a rumor that there was a warrior in Beichuan County who had an indestructible body, and he could increase his level by continuously swallowing pills, which caused a sensation at one time. It's a pity that he fell in a battle with the devil, and nothing will happen afterwards."

"Do you really have this physique?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up.

If the indestructible body really exists, then Cao Qinglang probably is.

"Su Yi, you don't have this kind of physique, do you?" Li Zhenfeng's voice trembled a little.

If it were someone else, he might not believe it.

But Su Yi is different.

Su Yi is too wicked!It's too monstrous!

Possesses the talent of stealth combat, has the ability to decipher ancient texts, plus the best full spiritual root.

It wouldn't be surprising if there was one more indestructible body.

"Principal, not me."

Su Yi denied.

"Who is that?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

Since Su Yi had brought it up, he would definitely not be idle, which meant that there was someone else.

"I suspect that Cao Qinglang has an indestructible body." Su Yi said in a deep voice.

"Cao Qinglang?"

Li Zhenfeng groaned, searching for Cao Qinglang's name in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, he would not have any impression of mediocre students like Cao Qinglang.

But Cao Qinglang was with Su Yi all day long, he had seen him a few times, and he remembered it quickly.

"Su Yi, are you sure?" Li Zhenfeng asked excitedly.

The indestructible body, although not as good as the stealth combat talent, is still very impressive.

Its potential is not much worse than that of a warrior with 10-star talent, so he can definitely be called a genius.

Cao Qinglang is a student of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy. As the principal, Li Zhenfeng naturally hopes that his students will be as strong as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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