Chapter 264 Even in Blue Star


Su Yi affirmed, and then narrated Cao Qinglang's advancement by taking the Qi and Blood Pill without hesitation.

After listening, Li Zhenfeng was not calm anymore, he laughed loudly and said, "Okay! You are indeed my student, Li Zhenfeng, and the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy has produced another genius. How can Jiang Yunhua and Xiao Zhenxiong compare with me?"

Su Yi smacked his tongue, "I'm getting old, can't I be a little more careful?"

"Su Yi, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll ask Cao Qinglang about it."

Li Zhenfeng hung up the phone with a smile.

"An unbreakable body. Lao Cao is a bit interesting."

Su Yi murmured, opened the warrior forum and watched it.

Time passed and it was noon.

Su Yi was immersed in the warrior forum, and when he read it with gusto, Cao Qinglang called.

The moment the phone was connected, Cao Qinglang's excited voice came.

"Su Yi, I've been promoted to the eighth level of Qi and Blood Realm!"


Su Yi took a deep breath and asked, "Have you taken Qixue Pill again?"

"It was given to me by the principal. He gave me twenty at once. I ate eight and was promoted to the eighth level of Qi and Blood Realm." Cao Qinglang said quickly.

"The principal gave you twenty?"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Li Zhenfeng has always been stingy, when did he become so generous?

Also, where did Li Zhenfeng get so many Qi and Blood Pills?
Mu Ran, Su Yi thought of something, and his face became unsightly.

He was sure that Li Zhenfeng's Qi and Blood Pill must have been intercepted from the compensation given to him by the Feng family.

Taking his things as favors, Li Zhenfeng's shamelessness has indeed reached a certain level.

However, Li Zhenfeng is shameless, but one thing is worthy of recognition.

Even if they are greedy for things, most of them will be distributed to students, and they will not fill their own pockets.

But this time, giving all the Qi and Blood Pills to Cao Qinglang illustrates this point.

Su Yi will not delve into anything for this matter.

"Su Yi, the principal said that I have an indestructible body. Is this body strong?" Cao Qinglang asked.

"It's very powerful, even in Blue Star, it can be ranked high." Su Yi said seriously.

With an indestructible body, as long as you have enough pills, you can quickly advance to the level.

Its speed is so fast that even he can't match it.

This shows the power of this physique.

Of course, pills are not Chinese cabbage, and the higher the grade of pills, the more expensive they are.

Right now, it is obviously impossible for Cao Qinglang to advance to a higher level by taking pills.

"So I'm so awesome!"

Cao Qinglang let out a sigh of excitement.

He used to be mediocre, even trash.

And now, they can all rank first in the Blue Star Ranking.

How can you not be excited?

"Old Cao, although you have an indestructible body, you can't be too pretentious. It's time to exercise your body, but you still can't let it go." Su Yi reminded.

"Su Yi, don't worry, I will work harder!" Cao Qinglang promised.

"Okay, you are busy, I will hang up first."

Su Yi smiled faintly, hung up the phone, and continued to watch the warrior forum.

In the next few days, because the college did not start, Su Yi stayed at home all the time.

On the fifth day, Li Zhenfeng called and informed that Jin Linmang's leather armor had been refined, and told him to go to Shen Gongyue's residence to get it.

In addition, Li Zhenfeng had already sold Jin Linmang's flesh and bones for 200 million blue star coins.

Su Yi is quite satisfied with this.

(End of this chapter)

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