Chapter 288 cynicism
Su Yi nodded, and then asked: "When will the other space towers be opened?"

Since the God of War Tower cannot be entered, you can make a last resort and enter other space towers.

If there is an opportunity to gain benefits, he will not miss it.

"The other space towers will take longer to open, but the puppet tower will open at the end of next month. If you want to enter, I can help you."

Li Zhenfeng thought for a while and said.

"Thank you principal!" Su Yi said happily.

Li Zhenfeng smiled, and then said seriously: "I'll fix the two leather armors for you."


Su Yi swallowed and almost spit out the fragrance.

The two leather armors cost almost 500 million Blue Star Coins, and Li Zhenfeng asked for them. What's the difference between them and blackmail?

Su Yi said angrily.

Li Zhenfeng is getting more and more excessive, and also more and more shameless.

If he chooses to compromise, Li Zhenfeng will definitely get worse in the future.

Therefore, we must fight to the end!

"If you don't have it, then you don't. I'll help you think of other ways." Li Zhenfeng chuckled.

Although there are no demons and beasts in the puppet tower, there are powerful puppets.

He also wanted Su Yi to participate.

Of course, it would be best to take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits from Su Yi, and there is nothing to do if you can't.

"Let's go, the trial tower is about to open, let's go and have a look."

Li Zhenfeng greeted him and walked straight forward.

Su Yi and the other five followed closely behind.

At this time, four groups of people gathered around the trial tower, and each county's academy formed its own faction.

Naturally, Su Yi and the others went to the location of the two academies in Yuancheng.

"Old Li, why did you come here?"

When seeing Li Zhenfeng, Jiang Yunhua greeted with a smile.

"It's fine if you're not late." Li Zhenfeng said indifferently.

"Su Yi, you are here."

Liu Qian'er and the others also stepped forward to greet Su Yi.

Even Ling Haotian walked up to Su Yi's side coyly, and said in a low voice, "Su Yi, thank you for what happened last time. I, Ling Haotian, owe you a favor."

It was Su Yi who pleaded for mercy yesterday, so he was not fired.

Therefore, I am still very grateful to Su Yi.

"Don't mention the past again." Su Yi smiled lightly.


Ling Haotian nodded, turned and left.

But at this moment, an old man with a burly figure and a dark complexion strode over.

When he came closer, he chuckled, "Li Zhenfeng, I heard that five students from your college have obtained the quota to enter the trial tower. It's not bad, and they have made great progress."

Hearing this, Li Zhenfeng's face suddenly darkened.

Su Yi also frowned slightly.

The other party clearly came to mock him.

However, Li Zhenfeng, as the principal of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy, and a martial artist at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, his status is not low.

The other party blatantly mocked Li Zhenfeng in front of so many people. This is not giving Li Zhenfeng any face.

How much hate?
"Pang Xingyu, stop looking down on people."

Li Zhenfeng glared at Pang Xingyu, and snorted coldly: "Although there are only five students in our academy, all of them are elites, and they are not comparable to those of the No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Feiyun City."

Feiyun City is located in Pingshan County, and Feiyun City's No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy is also one of the most powerful academies in Pingshan County.

The overall strength completely crushed the three academies in Yuancheng.

However, Pang Xingyu was sneering and sarcastic as soon as he came, and with Li Zhenfeng's temper, of course he would not be used to him.

"Ha ha."

Pang Xingyu took a look at Li Zhenfeng, and said with a sneer, "Li Zhenfeng, I haven't seen you for many years. Your bragging habits haven't changed at all."

(End of this chapter)

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