Chapter 289 Gambling
"I'm seeking truth from facts, is it necessary to brag?" Li Zhenfeng sneered.

It is true that the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy only has five places, so it does look a bit shabby.

But don't forget that Su Yi is among them.

Su Yi could easily crush a terrifying existence at the first level of the Gathering Soul Realm.

May I ask, who in other colleges has Su Yi's strength?

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Yi alone is worth dozens or even hundreds of people.

With Su Yi as his hole card, Li Zhenfeng was full of confidence, and his words were true.

"You are so old, you can really blow it!"

Pang Xingyu clicked his tongue and snorted coldly: "Since you said so, do you dare to compete with our academy?"

He had known Li Zhenfeng since he was young.

At that time, they were all considered geniuses, and they were all arrogant people, no one would obey the other.

In the past several times of sparring, Li Zhenfeng was superior.

Pang Xingyu has always been unconvinced, and has been looking for a chance to win back.

Of course, he knew very well that if he fought alone, he would definitely be defeated by Li Zhenfeng.

It can only start from other aspects.

And the opening of the trial tower this time is an opportunity.

You can take advantage of the academy's advantages to defeat Li Zhenfeng. Although the victory is a bit ineffective, as long as you can embarrass Li Zhenfeng, you can breathe a sigh of relief, and you won't have so many scruples.

"How do you want to compare?"

Li Zhenfeng immediately became interested.

Pang Xingyu didn't like him, and he also hated Pang Xingyu.

Defeating Pang Xingyu and embarrassing Pang Xingyu, he was also happy to see him.

"It's very simple. Win or lose is determined through the experience of the trial tower. Whoever gets the most points will be the winner." Pang Xingyu said immediately.

"What about the bet?"

Li Zhenfeng asked.

With Su Yi around, he is sure of victory.

Of course, take advantage of the opportunity.

"You still dare to bet with me? Whatever you want to bet, I will accompany you!"

Pang Xingyu smiled.

Similarly, he also has full confidence in the students of his academy.

Li Zhenfeng still dared to bet against him, isn't this giving him something?

Is there any reason not to agree?

"The old guy is going to cheat again!" Su Yi muttered secretly.

In the last freshman challenge, Li Zhenfeng used this method to win against Jiang Yunhua and Xiao Zhenxiong.

Now it was obvious that Pang Xingyu was going to be attacked.

"Don't you have a Huoxuantian Charm Stone? I'll bet you on this." Li Zhenfeng said coldly.

"Is it so blocked?"

Pang Xingyu was slightly surprised.

The Huo Xuantian Charm Stone contains a trace of Xuantian Charm Fire, which is not only a fire-type spiritual material, but also a top-level spiritual material that can condense fire-type figurines.

The value is even higher than that of the cut-off grass.

"Why, are you afraid?" Li Zhenfeng shouted excitedly.

"Am I afraid of you?"

Pang Xingyu smiled contemptuously.

If it was a one-on-one fight, he would definitely not agree, but if it was a college-style bet, what did he have to be afraid of?

"So you agreed?"

Li Zhenfeng was ecstatic in his heart, but his expression was very calm.

"Of course I agreed."

Pang Xingyu snorted, a sneer appeared on his face, and said with a sneer, "What can you come up with to bet against me?"

Li Zhenfeng has not been doing well in recent years, he is a complete poor guy, what can he come up with to compare with Huoxuantian Charm Stone?

"Du Liucao!" Li Zhenfeng said in a deep voice.

"Do you have weeds?"

Pang Xingyu's expression was shocked.

Although, the value of the Flow-Draining Grass is inferior to that of the Huoxuantian Charm Stone.

But it is crucial to him.

Because he is a wood-type spirit cultivator at the soul-gathering level [-], the flow-cutting grass is a good thing that can help condense wood-type objects.

(End of this chapter)

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