Chapter 369 Verify


Suddenly, there was a gasp in the military tent.

Everyone looked at Su Yi in shock.

Instantly kill the Soul Gathering Realm triple martial artist?
I'm afraid even a fourth-level warrior of the Gathering Soul Realm can't do this, right?

Because although the soul-gathering realm third-level fighters are far less powerful than the soul-gathering realm four-level, they can at least entangle with the soul-gathering realm four-level for a while.

If Su Yi can kill in seconds, he is indeed qualified to fight with the devil's hard steel at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm.

But what method did Su Yi achieve at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm?

"Su Yi, since you have instantly killed a martial artist in the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, who is it? Tell us to let us all see." Zuo Lunsheng sneered.

Soul-gathering realm third-level warriors are all people with names and surnames, and they will recognize them as long as they are said.

Of course, he didn't think Su Yi had this ability.

Everyone was also looking forward to it, and Qi Qi looked at Su Yi.

Under the gaze of all eyes, Su Yi slowly said, "The person I killed, you should have heard of it, he is the leader of the Fire Wolf Gang who has done a lot of evil in Xigan County, Jian Chihao!"

"What? It's Jian Chihao!"

There was a roar all around, and everyone was shocked again.

Jian Chihao is notorious for his viciousness, of course they have heard of it.

Moreover, some of them have fought against Jian Chihao, and they know how powerful Jian Chihao is.

Although Jian Chihao is a third-level warrior of the Soul Gathering Realm, his combat power is only slightly weaker than that of the fourth-level Soul Gathering Realm.

It is possible for a fourth-level warrior of the Gathering Soul Realm to defeat Jian Chihao, but he cannot kill him, let alone kill him instantly.

Can Su Yi kill Jian Chihao in seconds?

This is too bizarre, right?
"Su Yi, what evidence do you have?" Zuo Lingsheng gritted his teeth and asked.

Jian Chihao has been in Xigan County for many years, and his strength is well known.

Even if he couldn't kill it, could Su Yi do it?
"On the way here before, Jian Chihao led people from the Fire Wolf Gang to block our way, and I killed him without any hassle. Everyone in Yuancheng can testify to me." Su Yi said with a smile.

If one or two people testify, it may not be convincing.

But if hundreds of people testify, the credibility is extremely high.


Tan Guangyao was excited.

He didn't think Su Yi would lie. After all, there were so many witnesses. If he lied, it would be easy to be exposed.

"City Lord Tan, it's all over now, with Su Yi here, we can fight the devil."

Everyone else recognized Su Yi, and a rare smile appeared on his face at this moment.

"Su Yi, in tomorrow's battle, one of the soul-gathering level [-] demons will be handed over to you. You don't have to fight him head-on, just entangle him." Tan Guangyao warned with a smile.

"City Master Tan, don't worry."

Su Yi nodded.

"Okay, let's study how to divide the defense." Tan Guangyao said energetically.

Demons at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm can deal with it, but other demons also need to be defended.

"Wait a moment."

Zuo Lunsheng muran spoke.

"Old Zuo, what's the matter?" Tan Guangyao asked.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Whether Su Yi can fight against the fourth-level demons in the Gathering Soul Realm is too important. We must treat it with caution, so I plan to make two moves with Su Yi." Said the matter.

Su Yi only has the first level of Gathering Soul Realm, by what means did he kill Jian Chihao?

This is so strange.

He felt the need to verify it himself.

"Old Zuo, don't you need it?" Tan Guangyao frowned.

There are so many people in Yuancheng who can testify, but Zuo Lunsheng still insists on it, which is clearly because he doesn't recognize Su Yi's strength, and he is a bit unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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