Chapter 370

"Why isn't it necessary?"

Zuo Lunsheng ignored it, turned to look at Su Yi, and said aggressively: "Su Yi, do you dare to do two tricks with me?"

"If you insist, I don't mind." Su Yi smiled lightly.

If you don't give Zuo Lunsheng some flair, this guy won't give up, so just let him go.

"Very well, let's go out now."

Zuo Lunsheng laughed wildly, got up and walked outside.

When Tan Guangyao was about to speak to persuade, Yan Lengshi stopped him with a look.

It was nothing more than a sparring session, and there was nothing wrong with letting Zuo Lingsheng verify Su Yi's strength.

"no problem."

Su Yi got up and followed Zuo Huasheng.

The others looked at each other and followed suit.

Unexpectedly, before they took a few steps, an alarm sounded from outside the military tent.

When the alarm sounded, it represented a signal of a large-scale invasion of demons.

The faces of the people present all changed.

Tan Guangyao said anxiously, "All go to the city wall."

After the words fell, he was the first to rush out of the military tent.

The others were also aware of the seriousness of the situation, so they followed Tan Guangyao without saying a word.

"Why did the devil attack again?"

Su Yi was a little strange.

According to what he had learned before, the devil only attacked once a day.

Already attacked once in the morning.

So why would it attack again uncharacteristically?

Although he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think too much, and quickly chased after him.

When everyone came to the city wall, they saw the darkness outside the city, all of them were figures of demons.

A rough estimate puts the number at around [-].

But what was surprising was that the demon was not in a hurry to attack, as if he was waiting for something.

"Why didn't the devil attack?"

Yan Lengshi said with some doubts.

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what the devil was playing.

But at this moment, a demon who was three meters tall and as strong as a hill walked out of the army of demons.

He looked up at Sanqing City, and raised his voice, "Is Tan Guangyao here?"


Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said lightly, "Can the devil speak our language?"

Before that, he never knew this.

Yan Lengshi next to him explained: "The demons have invaded our Blue Star for many years, and some of them have gradually understood our language. And among us humans, there are also those who can speak the language of the demons."


Su Yi suddenly realized.

"Old Tan, what does this guy want to do?" Zuo Lunsheng frowned and said.

"I don't know."

Tan Guangyao shook his head, turned and shouted towards the city: "Zircon, what do you want?"

Demons, like humans, also have names.

The demon under the city is called Zircon, he is a demon of the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he is also the most powerful among the demons.

Zircon grinned and said with a sinister smile: "Tan Guangyao, this commander gives you a chance to survive. As long as you hand over one person, we will retreat."

"Fuck you, lord! If you tell me to hand it over, just hand it over? What are you!"

Tan Guangyao didn't answer, but Zuo Lunsheng scolded him first.

On the territory of mankind, how can the devil be allowed to run wild?

"There's still something to be said for this guy."

Su Yi murmured.

Although Zuo Lunsheng loves to pretend and has a bad temper, he can be neither humble nor overbearing under pressure, which is worthy of recognition.

"Ha ha."

Zircon sneered and said: "Zuo Lunsheng, you only dare to hide on the city wall and pretend to be aggressive. If you have the ability, come down and challenge me one-on-one, and see if this commander abuses you!"

(End of this chapter)

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