Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 380 Tomorrow's Chapter City

Chapter 380 Returning To The City Tomorrow
"Principal, is Lord Luo's life in danger?"

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"The injury is very serious. Without the holy medicine for healing, it is impossible to recover." Li Zhenfeng sighed.

Luo Junnan is the number one powerhouse in Yuancheng, if he falls down.

Yuancheng will be sluggish for a long time.

And without such a strong man in charge, in case of an invasion by demons or beasts, Yuancheng would also be in crisis.

"Principal, can Yunling Pill treat City Lord Luo's injury?" Su Yi asked.

Yunling Pill is known as the holy medicine for healing, and he happened to have one in his hand.

But whether Luo Junnan can be treated is hard to say.

"Of course the Yunling Pill is fine, but the Yunling Pill is too precious and the quantity is too small."

Li Zhenfeng affirmed, and then said: "We have sent someone to contact Wen Haomiao of Fengyi City, but unfortunately, he no longer has Yunling Pill."

Now the Western Universe is full of wars and wars, and there are countless wounded.

In this case, everyone with energy contributes.

Wen Haomiao donated all the remaining Yunling Pills.

"Principal, I have Yunling Pill, but only one." Su Yi said quickly.

Luo Junnan was so badly injured, he didn't know if one Yunling Pill would be enough.

"Do you have Yunling Pill?"

Li Zhenfeng was pleasantly surprised.

Although a Yunling Pill cannot guarantee Luo Junnan's complete recovery, it can at least save Luo Junnan's life.

Whether Luo Junnan survived or not is of great significance.


Su Yi affirmed.

"Su Yi, you will return to Yuancheng tomorrow." Li Zhenfeng ordered.

Compared with others, saving Luo Junnan is the most important thing.

As for how Su Yi got the Yunling Pill, he didn't bother to ask.

"Principal, don't you have to wait for the notice tomorrow?" Su Yi asked strangely.

The situation in Sanqing City is not yet clear, so is it okay to leave so hastily?

"It's not a big problem." Li Zhenfeng said.

The number of demons attacking each city is certain, and most of the demons attacking Sanqing City lost half, so it is difficult to make a comeback in a short period of time.

It's useless for Su Yi and others to stay there, so let them come back.

Of course, the premise is to say hello to Tan Guangyao.

"Principal, let someone else take the Yunling Pill back. I plan to go to Ding'an City." Su Yi suggested.

Although he is only a warrior of the first level of Soul Gathering Realm, his real combat power is not inferior to any devil of fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm.

If you go to Ding'an City, it will help you to some extent.


Li Zhenfeng flatly refused.

The current Ding'an City is too dangerous, and some battles can't even be fought by Soul Gathering Realm warriors.

Su Yi is the hope of Yuancheng, he will not let Su Yi take risks.

Seeing Li Zhenfeng's firm attitude, Su Yi said helplessly, "Alright then, I'll return to Yuancheng tomorrow."


Li Zhenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Are you still doing anything? I'll hang up the phone if I'm fine."

"Principal, there is one thing that is very strange."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and said, "The demons who attacked Sanqing City today asked us for an elf clansman."

"The Moguang people are stupid, don't worry about it." Li Zhenfeng snorted softly.

The Moguang tribe's large-scale attack on the city of Xigan County this time is indeed for an elf tribe named Ling Nianyao.

But don't even think about it, the elves are also aliens.

Humans already reject aliens, so how can they cover them up?

Instinctively, he thought that the devil was just looking for an excuse to invade.

(End of this chapter)

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