Chapter 381 Night Watch

Su Yi replied.

He had the same thoughts as Li Zhenfeng, so he didn't delve into this matter.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

After Su Yi returned to the corner, Cao Qinglang came up to him, "Su Yi, what does the principal want from you?"

"Let's go back to Yuancheng tomorrow." Su Yi said lightly.

Because of Feng Xiaoyu's fall, his mood was somewhat depressed.


Everyone else was very excited.

Although it's been less than a day since he came out, his longing for Yuancheng is still very strong.

After all, Yuancheng is their home.

"Leader Su, the meals are ready for you."

At this time, Juan came in with more than a dozen people, pushing a dining cart with various foods on it.

"Everyone eat."

Su Yi greeted.

In the back, everyone chatted together while eating.

Some students who didn't know each other before also took this opportunity to get to know a lot.

After eating, Pei Lin walked up to Su Yi and reminded him, "Su Yi, should we arrange a vigil?"

Even though they are in the city, there is no guarantee that they will encounter danger. It is very necessary to arrange people to watch the night.

"It should."

Su Yi nodded.

"Su Yi, let's keep watch."

Cao Qinglang and others pleaded for orders one after another.

Watching the night is a very boring and tiring thing, but none of the people present shirked it.

"Each academy sends one person."

Su Yi thought for a while and began to point out, "Cao Qinglang, Ling Haotian and Zhao Hongyuan, the three of you keep watch."

These three are all Body Tempering Realm fighters, and their strength is among the best among all the students.

"no problem."

Cao Qinglang and Zhao Hongyuan readily agreed.

"I can too."

Ling Haotian was a little reluctant, because he still wanted to stay with Shen Jieling for a while.

However, since Su Yi gave the order, he could only execute it.

After all, Su Yi is the leader of the team, and he will be punished for disobeying the leader's orders.

In addition, if you don't give Su Yi face, with Su Yi's temper, he will definitely mess with him.

It's not like he hasn't seen how powerful Su Yi is.


Su Yi nodded, then turned to Pei Lin and said, "Brother Pei, let the three of them stay up at midnight, and your mercenary group will arrange people to stay at midnight."

The second half of the night was the time to feel sleepy, and Cao Qinglang and the others were inexperienced, so they could easily go wrong.

Members of the mercenary group often spend the night outside the city and are more experienced.

It would be more appropriate for them to keep watch until midnight.

"I'll arrange it."

Pei Lin replied, turned and left.

"Su Yi, we're going to watch the night."

Cao Qinglang said.

"Be careful." Su Yi warned.

Cao Qinglang smiled slightly, giving Su Yi a reassuring smile.

After Cao Qinglang and the others left, Su Yi asked the others to rest.

"Brother, go into the group and have a look, my sister-in-law is asking you something."

At this time, Su Lin reminded.

"sister in law?"

Liu Qian'er and Shen Jieling next to her were a little confused.

Su Yi married?
When did this happen?
Why they have no idea.

"Su Lin, is your brother married?"

Liu Qian'er couldn't hold back and asked.

"Not married yet, but soon." Su Lin said with a smile.


Liu Qian'er nodded, and secretly took a look at Su Yi, her expression was a little gloomy.

"Su Lin, your sister-in-law must be a beautiful woman?" Shen Jieling asked curiously.

Su Yi is so outstanding that he is definitely not an ordinary person who deserves it.

"My sister-in-law is as beautiful as a celestial being, and she is a direct descendant of a big family. What is even more commendable is that she is also a genius in cultivation." Su Lin said triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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