Chapter 482 about 10 minutes

"You know Jin Quewen!"

Jin Hongxuan's expression moved, and he became excited immediately, and asked: "So you can decipher the Jin Que Wen?"

The ancient characters found in Lanxing are only two kinds of silver Kewen and Jinquewen.

In terms of deciphering difficulty, Jin Que Wen is several times higher than Yin Ke Wen.

Although Jin Hongxuan has made great achievements in deciphering the ancient script, he also has self-knowledge. Facing the Jinque script, he can only decipher a small part of it at most.

It is absolutely impossible to decipher them all.

And in Blue Star, no one can decipher all the Jin Que scripts.

If Su Yi can do it, its significance is absolutely extraordinary.

"It's not a big problem."

Su Yi nodded.

For him, deciphering the Jin Que Wen only took a little more time than the Yin Ke Wen.

"Can you see if the Jin Que text on it can be deciphered?"

Jin Hongxuan was so excited that he quickly took out a piece of parchment from the storage bag and placed it in front of Su Yi.

What is recorded above is a sword-type supernatural power.

It is self-evident how important sword-type supernatural powers are to a sword repairer.

It's just that this sword-type supernatural power is all recorded in Jinquewen.

So far, he has only deciphered a small part.

Therefore, when he learned that Su Yi could decipher it, he was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Su Yi stared at Jin Hongxuan in a daze, a little confused.

Isn't Jin Hongxuan a great scholar?Can't decipher it yourself?
Also, didn't Jin Hongxuan come to decipher the pill formula for Jiang Cheng?

Why did you ask him to help decipher it again?
Jiang Li and the others also stared with wide eyes.

Things were moving so fast that they couldn't react.

"Brother Jin."

Jiang Cheng coughed lightly and reminded: "Even if you want Su Yi to help decipher, shouldn't there be a first-come, first-served one?"

He was still waiting for Su Yi to decipher the Dan formula, and of course he didn't want Jin Hongxuan to jump in line.

Jin Hongxuan also felt that he was being abrupt, so he smiled awkwardly, "There really should be a first-come, first-served one."

Jiang Cheng nodded, then turned to Su Yi and said, "Su Yi, can you decipher it now?"

"no problem."

Su Yi said happily.

Jiang Cheng happily dragged Su Yi to the study next to him. After Su Yi entered, he closed the door himself and returned to the living room.

At this moment, Jin Hongxuan walked up to Jiang Cheng and asked in a low voice, "Brother Jiang, have you ever seen Su Yi decipher the ancient characters?"


Jiang Cheng shook his head, then pointed at Jiang Li, "Our second child has met, he knows better."

Jin Hongxuan then turned his gaze to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li said with a smile: "I have indeed seen it, and Su Yi's deciphering speed is still very fast."

When I saw Su Yi's deciphering speed, I was quite shocked.

Later, after learning that Su Yi had the talent to decipher ancient characters, he was relieved.

"How fast is it deciphered?"

Jin Hongxuan asked subconsciously.

"About 10 minutes."

Jiang Li thought for a while and replied.

Last time, Su Yi deciphered Yin Kewen, which took less than 5 minutes.

The deciphering difficulty of Jin Que Wen is higher than that of Yin Ke Wen. Conservatively speaking, it takes about 10 minutes.

"Seven minutes?"

Jin Hongxuan was astonished.

Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Canyang were also on the spot in a daze.

Deciphering the ancient characters, especially the Jinque characters, is definitely a very exhausting task. It usually takes several hours, or even several days, and there may not be any rewards.

But according to Jiang Li, deciphering the ancient characters is as simple as eating and drinking for Su Yi.

Is it a bit bragging?

(End of this chapter)

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