Chapter 483 Spirit Pet Pill

On the other side, after Su Yi entered the study, he immediately used [Pupil of Enlightenment] and [Eye of Illusion] to decipher the alchemy with ease.

According to habit, he first watched carefully.


After reading it, a look of surprise appeared on Su Yi's face.

This pill is neither a recipe for improving cultivation nor a recipe for healing, but a recipe called 'Spiritual Pet Pill'.

As the name suggests, the spirit pet pill is used to tame the spirit pet.

According to the pill formula, as long as you drip the blood essence on the spirit pet pill, and then give it to a strange beast or a monster, you can easily tame the other party.

Moreover, it can obey the master's orders 100%, and will never betray the master.


After understanding the function of Ling Chong Pill, the corners of Su Yi's mouth rose slightly.

After he got the [Langya Ring], he started to take over the spiritual pet.

After all, [Langya Jie] is a pet breeding space, which can accommodate a large number of spiritual pets, and it would be a waste if it is not used.

However, taming a spiritual pet is very difficult.

It is even more difficult to make a spiritual pet loyal to its master.

It is precisely because of this that he has not tamed the spiritual pet.

But if the spirit pet pill can be refined, this problem will be solved perfectly.

It is even possible to form a small alien beast army and carry it with you.

Su Yi thinks this idea is very good. If he has the Alien Beast Army, his own strength will definitely soar.

Of course, he also knew that forming an army of alien beasts was no easy task.

First of all, to refine the spirit pet pill.

Second, a large number of exotic animals must be captured.

The last key point is that raising spiritual pets consumes a lot of resources.

Only when these three points are perfectly resolved, can the establishment be started.

"A long way to go!"

Su Yi sighed, calmed down, and didn't plan to get entangled in this aspect.

You can't become fat if you eat one bite, you have to do everything one by one.

Later, he began to transcribe the formula of Ling Chong Dan.

After copying, he turned around and walked out of the study.

In the living room, Jin Hongxuan and the others were chatting, most of which was related to Su Yi.

But at this moment, Su Yi walked in slowly.

Everyone was stunned.

Because it took only 3 minutes from Su Yi's departure to his return.

It took only 3 minutes to decipher a Dan Fang in Jinquewen, isn't it a bit exaggerated.

Even Jiang Li, who knew Su Yi well, didn't expect Su Yi to return so soon.

"Su Yi, have you finished deciphering?" Jiang Cheng asked tentatively.


Su Yi nodded, and handed Jiang Cheng the paper on which the Spirit Pet Pill was copied, "Senior, take a look."

Jiang Cheng took it in a daze, and began to read it carefully.

After a while, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he muttered, "Yes, there is no problem at all."

As a high-grade alchemist, he can naturally distinguish the authenticity of alchemy recipes.

"It's actually such a rare pill, which is a bit interesting."

Jiang Cheng muttered thoughtfully, then put away the paper, and said to everyone: "Everyone, I'll take a step ahead if I have something to do."

After the words fell, he quickly left the living room.

Su Yi guessed that most of Jiangcheng went to refine the spirit pet pill.

This is also what he hopes to see. When Jiangcheng is finished refining, he can ask for one, and then find a strange beast to verify it.

"Su Yi, can you help me decipher it too?"

At this time, Jin Hongxuan walked up to Su Yi and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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