Chapter 518 Soul Beast
Everyone was speechless.

[Smart Chariot] Not only is the kung fu of humiliating people extremely vicious, but the skills of pretending to be aggressive are not bad at all!
Seeing that Jiang Haoran was on the verge of fury, Su Yi snorted coldly: "Calm down, both of you, if anyone is not convinced, I will practice with you."

[Smart Chariot] Pinching Jiang Haoran as soon as he met, really gave him a headache.

If you don't say something harsh, these two guys will definitely continue to quarrel.

Jiang Haoran and [Smart Chariot] were immediately scared.

Who dares to fight Su Yi?Isn't this looking for abuse?

Seeing that Jiang Haoran and the [Smart Chariot] settled down, Su Yi turned to Jiang Li and asked about the business, "Senior, what else should we pay attention to when entering the Yuankong Ancient Realm?"

"There is really one thing that needs attention."

Jiang Li seemed to have remembered something, and reminded: "It is rumored that there is a Soul Beast in the Gathering Soul Realm, which especially hates outsiders, and is very cruel, you must pay attention."

Hearing this, the faces of Zhang Canyang and the others became more serious.

The alien beasts in the soul-gathering realm are already very powerful, and the attack methods of the soul-gathering beasts are even more famous, so they really need to be more prepared.

"Soul beast?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up.

This trip to Yuankong Ancient Realm, in addition to searching for spiritual materials and treasures, he actually hopes to encounter more strange beasts.

Because touching different kinds of animals can extract related abilities, so as to quickly improve the strength.

In the trial tower before, I touched a thunder leopard beast, extracted 100 thunder spirit energy, and condensed the thunder spirit soul in one fell swoop.

And if you touch the soul beast, will you extract the soul power to condense the soul?
Su Yi was looking forward to this very much.

Looking at Su Yi's expression, Jiang Li felt a little strange.

Su Yi not only didn't have the slightest worry, why did he still show a little bit of excitement?

that feeling
It's like treating the soul beast as prey.

Venus City is only more than 1000 kilometers away from the Hufeng Mountains, and at the speed of the aircraft, it will not take long.

Two hours later, a huge mountain appeared ahead.

From a distance, it looks like a giant tiger sculpture, lifelike, yet exuding a sense of majesty.

At the top of the mountain peak, there is a dark hole, like a tiger roaring up to the sky, as if it wants to swallow the void.

"The Tiger Peak Mountain Range has arrived."

With a reminder, Huang Yi drove the aircraft and landed slowly on an open space beside the Hufeng Mountain Range.

And in this open space, there are already three aircrafts parked at this moment.

"Brother Jiang, go out and say hello to them, I won't go." Jin Hongxuan said to Jiang Li.

The main reason for coming here is to protect the safety of Su Yi and others, there is no need to go out to show their faces.


Jiang Li nodded, and took Su Yi and others off the aircraft.

"Brother Jiang! This way."

There were three people standing not far in front. When they saw Jiang Li, one of them, a fat old man, greeted Jiang Li.

"You are waiting here."

Jiang Li gave an order and walked straight towards the three of them.

"Su Yi!"

But at this moment, under an aircraft on the opposite side, a woman with a fiery figure waved at Su Yi,

This woman is none other than Gu Yiting.

"Senior Sister Gu." Su Yi smiled slightly.

It is not surprising to see Gu Yiting here.

Gu Yiting's temperament is very wild, and her strength is not weak at all. A place like Yuankong Ancient Realm must not be missed.

Jiang Haoran glanced at Gu Yiting and Su Yi, and reminded: "Brother-in-law, you have a family, so be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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