Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 519 The Devil's Aircraft

Chapter 519 The Devil's Aircraft
Su Yi: "."

It's just a hello, is it necessary to go online?

They all learned from Su Lin!
Su Yi snorted, ignored him, and turned to look at the others.

There were seven or eight people standing beside Gu Yiting, the most eye-catching one was a young man nearly 1.9 meters tall.

This person was dressed in a black tights, and looked somewhat similar to Gu Yiting, but his complexion was unusually cold.

"He should be Gu Hongzhuo."

Su Yi muttered secretly, then turned his gaze to the other side.

Under the other aircraft, there was also a group of people gathered, but the number reached more than a dozen people, all wearing yellow uniforms.

"Senior brother Zhang, are these people in yellow clothes from the Hu family?"

Su Yi asked Zhang Canyang beside him.

"There are actually only two people in the Hu family, and the rest of them have a good relationship with the Hu family, so they came here together."

Zhang Canyang explained, and then pointed at a huge man among them, "Su Yi, that fat man is Hu Xiuyuan. When we enter Yuankong Ancient Realm, it's best not to interact with them."

Judging from Zhang Canyang's tone, it seemed that he was afraid of Hu Xiuyuan.

From this point of view, either Hu Xiuyuan's character is not good, or his strength is extremely strong.


Su Yi replied indifferently, and then shifted his gaze to the third aircraft.

Under the third aircraft, a short-haired woman stood alone. She looked very ordinary, but gave off a sense of aloofness.

Su Yi could imagine that this woman should be Yuan Siying from Seven Star Island.

The other forces are forming teams, but Yuan Siying is alone, which seems a bit out of place.

However, only one person dared to enter the Yuankong Ancient Realm, which shows that Yuan Siying is definitely not an easy person.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze and asked Zhang Canyang again: "Senior Brother Zhang, are these the only people who came to participate in the Yuankong Ancient Realm?"

"That should be all there is."

Zhang Canyang said uncertainly.

He didn't know much about Yuankong Ancient Realm, he only knew that to be eligible to enter, he had to obtain the permission of the three major families.

And it was through the Jiang family that he had this opportunity.

For Su Yi, the fewer people who enter, the better.

After all, the spiritual materials in Yuankong Ancient Realm will not be everywhere, the fewer people there are, the more everyone will be allocated.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Li and the others returned to their original places.

As soon as he came back, Jiang Li said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, the matter of killing the demons will be postponed."


Su Yi looked at Jiang Li puzzled.

Jiang Li took a deep breath and explained: "According to the reliable news from Seven Star Island, the demons who came this time are extremely powerful, and they probably have the existence of fifth level Soul Gathering Realm."

If it's an ordinary devil, he doesn't have to care, after all, Su Yi's strength lies there.

But if it was at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, Su Yi wouldn't want to take risks.

"Fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm."

Su Yixu squinted his eyes, and a thoughtful look flickered in his eyes.

With his current strength, if he fights against some powerful soul-gathering level five demons, there is no 100% chance of winning.

However, don't worry too much.

Isn't there a lot of strange beasts in Yuankong Ancient Realm? It's not too late to get rid of the demons after extracting their abilities.

"Don't worry senior, I won't be reckless." Su Yi smiled.

"That's good."

Jiang Li nodded.

But at this moment, a black dot suddenly flew in the distance.

As the distance got closer, the black spot became bigger and bigger, and what finally appeared in everyone's sight was a black aircraft with a size of more than ten feet.

"The flying machine of the devil."

Jiang Li's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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