Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 544 You Must Use a Stick

Chapter 544 You Must Use a Stick
According to the introduction of the Earth Core Ancient Dragon, these weapons were all collected by him in Yuankong Ancient Realm.

Su Yi could imagine that it must be the weapon brought by the previous human warriors when they entered the Yuankong Ancient Realm.

"See if there are any you like, and choose one each."

Su Yi said, and began to look at these weapons.

When his eyes fell on the golden long stick, a strong feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Obviously, it was the ability of the sensory treasure that resonated.

That golden stick is absolutely extraordinary.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he quickly took the long stick in his hand and looked at it.

But he saw a lifelike golden dragon engraved on the surface of the long stick, which was mighty and domineering.

And there are some small ancient characters on the bottom of the stick.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was choosing weapons, Su Yi used [Pupil of Ming Wu] to decipher.

In the end, I learned that this stick is called [Golden Disc Dragon Stick], and it is a top-level gold magic weapon. It can be changed in size at will, and can be up to 100 meters long.

Moreover, after pouring golden aura into it, a golden dragon can be summoned to assist in combat.

The more golden spiritual energy injected, the more powerful the golden dragon will be.

"good stuff."

The corners of Su Yi's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he couldn't put it down while holding the [Golden Disc Dragon Stick].

At this time, the others had chosen their weapons and returned to Su Yi's side.

Cao Qinglang chose a shield, Jiang Haoran held a giant axe, and Zhang Canyang was a sword repairman, so he chose a long sword of good quality as a matter of course.

As for Wukong, holding a long knife in each hand, he seemed a little excited.

"Wukong, do you like to use a knife?" Su Yi asked calmly.

"Master, I like these two knives very much." Wukong replied quickly.

Su Yi's eyes flickered slightly, "No, you have to use a stick!"

Wukong: "."

Everyone: "."

Why do you have to use a stick?Does it have any special meaning?

In fact, Su Yi's idea is very simple.

He trained Wukong as the real Sun Wukong, who used the golden cudgel, and the golden cudgel is strictly a stick.

So shouldn't Goku use a stick too?

Moreover, I just got [Golden Disc Dragon Stick], which can be used by Wukong.

"Have you seen this stick? This is your weapon, but it will not be given to you until you advance to the Gathering Soul Realm."

As Su Yi spoke, he put the [Golden Disc Dragon Stick] and the long knife in Wukong's hand into the [Qiankun Ring].

The reason why Wukong hasn't taken the Spirit Pet Pill is still under investigation.

If Wukong ran away with the [Golden Disc Dragon Stick], it would be a waste of money.

Therefore, at this stage, he will not hand over [Golden Disc Dragon Stick] to Wukong.

Wukong looked at the empty hands, a little dazed.

Su Yi didn't explain much, collected the other weapons and said, "Let's go, let's go to Qingtan Mountain."

After that, everyone left the cave and started heading towards Qingtan Mountain.

On the way, Su Yi asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, what's your situation now, can you pull us?"

This place is too far away from Qingtan Mountain, and I don't know how long it will take to walk.

If you can take the [Smart Chariot], you can save a lot of time.

It's just that the [Smart Chariot] was injured, and I don't know if he has recovered.

"It hasn't fully recovered yet, but if you install a top-grade spirit crystal on me, the problem won't be too big." [Smart Chariot] said.

(End of this chapter)

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