Chapter 545 Wuxu snow lotus
"Okay, here's one for you."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and installed a top-quality spirit crystal on the [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] It is also because of protecting them from damage, and it is also appropriate to give some compensation.

But in this way, he will only have two top-grade spirit crystals left.

I don't know if I will be in danger later, so these two can't be used at will.

[Smart Chariot] After absorbing the aura of the best spirit crystal, the state has recovered a lot. After becoming the size of the base car, the potholes on the car body have almost disappeared, and the radiant color has reappeared.

Su Yi beckoned everyone to get in the car and drove towards Qingtan Mountain in a hurry.

Zhang Canyang came to Su Yi's side and asked, "Su Yi, is it too late for us to rush to Qingtan Mountain?"

Shouxi fruit tree is a top-level spiritual material, no matter who sees it, it will be tempted.

Then when they arrived at Qingtan Mountain, the Shouxi fruit tree would not have been snatched away by others, right?
Su Yi explained with a smile: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, there is a very powerful natural magic circle protecting the place where the Shouxi fruit tree is, and it is impossible to enter it at ordinary times. Only when the Shouxi fruit is fully ripe, this magic circle can Weakened, there is a chance to enter."

"And now there is still a long time before the fruit of Shouxi is fully ripe, and we have enough time."

At the beginning, he also thought about this problem.

But after communicating with the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, I figured out the reason and stopped worrying.

"That's good."

Zhang Canyang nodded.

[Smart Chariot] After driving for half an hour, a huge gap suddenly appeared in front of it, about ten meters wide, bottomless.

There will be gusts of wind from time to time, like howling ghosts and wolves, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Moreover, this gap is very narrow and long, and the opportunity is endless at a glance, and it is not known where it leads.

Su Yi faintly felt that the rift was a bit strange, so he contacted the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, "Xiaolong, what is the origin of this rift."

The ancient dragon in the center of the earth could understand Su Yi's words, but he couldn't speak and could only translate through Wukong.

Wukong said: "Master, Xiaolong said that this gap has existed since it has memory, and there seems to be a very terrible existence hidden inside, telling us not to approach this gap."


Su Yi frowned.

The ancient dragon in the center of the earth can be said to be the most powerful beast in the ancient realm of Yuankong, but it is still very afraid of the creatures in the gap.

This shows that the creatures inside have the power to threaten the ancient dragons in the center of the earth, and they really need to be on guard.

"No. 2, check the gap." Su Yi ordered.

After a few seconds, [Smart Chariot] replied: "Su Yi, the gap is weird, and we can't detect the situation below at all, but we found a lot of spiritual materials on the rock wall of the gap."

"Unable to detect?"

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "What kind of spiritual materials are they? Displayed on the central control screen."

The central control screen changed sides, and soon there appeared more than a dozen huge white lotus flowers, emitting a faint white light, beautiful and mysterious.

"what is this flower?"

Su Yi glanced intently, only felt that these lotus flowers were very strange, but he didn't recognize them at all.

"Isn't the lotus supposed to grow in the water? Why did it grow on the cliff?" Cao Qinglang let out a sigh.

"This seems to be the Wuxu snow lotus!"

Zhang Canyang looked at it for a while, and suddenly shouted excitedly.

In terms of value, the [-] snow lotus is not as good as the Shouxi fruit tree, but it can definitely be regarded as a top-level spiritual material.

Not only is it the main material for refining various high-grade elixir, even if it is eaten raw, it has the effect of improving cultivation.

It's just that in Blue Star, it's almost hard to see its trace.

(End of this chapter)

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