Chapter 546 Mutation
Su Yi was also excited.

Because the [-] snow lotus, like the Shouxi fruit, is the main material for refining Shouyuan Pill.

"Number 2, stop."

Su Yi quickly ordered.

If it was replaced with other spiritual materials, he might not take the risk.But the [-] snow lotus was too important to him, since he met him, he couldn't miss this opportunity.

After the [Smart Chariot] stopped, he said, "Su Yi, you want to pick the [-] snow lotus, right? But the gap is really weird, you should think about it."

This gap can actually block the detection function, which is something he has never encountered before.

Therefore, it also faintly made him feel a little uneasy.

Su Yi also knew that there would be dangers, but dangers often coexisted with opportunities.

How can we get the opportunity without taking any risks?

"Okay, I'll be careful."

Su Yi took a deep breath, and told the others: "Senior Brother Zhang, you all stay in the car and don't get off."

If there is really a powerful existence in the gap, [Smart Chariot] can pull people to run quickly.

And he can leave through [Flying Wings], so there will be no worries.


Zhang Canyang and others nodded.

"Number 2, open the door."

When the car door opened, Su Yi walked out slowly and walked to the edge of the gap.

Under the rift, there are gusts of sinister wind and endless darkness, like the gate leading to hell.

Su Yi glanced at it, and quickly moved his gaze to a certain direction, which was where the Wuxu Snow Lotus was located.

It's just that the [-] snow lotus grows on the rock wall of the crack, and it's still on the opposite side.

If you want to pick it, you have to leap to the opposite side.

Of course, this can't help Su Yi.

After standing quietly and observing for a while, and making sure that there was no danger, Su Yi spread his wings and swished to the opposite cliff.

When I came close to the [-] snow lotus, I suddenly felt a strong feeling in my heart.

It is the manifestation of the ability to sense treasures to resonate.

The [-] snow lotus is a top-level spiritual material, and it is normal for this to happen.

Without wasting time, Su Yi took out the [Obsidian Meteor Sword] and started digging.

Because of [Lin Lang Jie], he planned to continue to cultivate the Snow Lotus of [-], so he was very careful when digging, and dug out all the roots of the Snow Lotus of [-].

Then the plants were transplanted into [Langya Ring]

A total of thirteen Wuxu snow lotuses grew on the cliff, and Su Yi's movements were not too slow, and they were all dug out in less than 5 minutes.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a ghostly howl from the bottom of the crack.

Jie Jie Jie!

The sound was extremely piercing and terrifying, as if a ghost had rushed up.

Su Yi's scalp exploded, and he spread his wings and flew upwards without thinking.

However, before flying out of the gap, it felt crushed by an invisible force.

The power is so great that it is like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Su Yi's face changed in horror, the power of Qi and blood surged wildly, and his hands tore outward frantically, trying to tear off the invisible force bound to his body.

However, under the action of this invisible force, he was unable to move a bit, and then he was pulled straight into the gap, and disappeared in an instant.

"Su Yi!"

When seeing this scene, Zhang Canyang and others were so anxious that they roared loudly.

But at this moment, there was a sudden buzzing sound from the gap, followed by a large number of black beetles flying out.

Each of these beetles is the size of an egg, and the number is countless, like a dark cloud, pressing down on the [smart chariot] in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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