Chapter 555 Imitation
The insect king was attacked by the fire heart flame, and a blood hole the size of a fist was burned on the carapace on his back.

Fortunately, Su Yi's fire spiritual cultivation is only at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm, and the power of the fire heart flame is far less than that of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

Otherwise, one blow would burn it to ashes.

But even so, it was seriously injured.

But at this moment, a huge thunder sword descended from the sky, exuding a destructive sword intent to kill, and slashed at the insect king with unparalleled ferocity.

A loud bang.

Before the insect king could even utter a scream, he was smashed to pieces.

After seeing the death of the insect king, those beetles fled into the gap like birds and beasts.

After the Thunder Light Great Sword disappeared, Su Yi's figure suddenly appeared.

The insect king's defense is too strong. In order to kill it as soon as possible, he can only use his trump card [body and sword in one].

After beheading the insect king, Su Yi flew and landed in front of the [Smart Chariot].

"Brother-in-law, you are too fierce!"

Jiang Haoran rushed to Su Yi's side with a look of admiration on his face.

With so many of them working together, they are not the opponent of the insect king. On the other hand, Su Yi easily killed the insect king with his own strength, and he crushed the insect king with an overwhelming advantage.

Judging from superior to inferior, the gap is too obvious.

"It's just normal."

Su Yi smiled habitually.

"Su Yi, when did you condense your soul?" Cao Qinglang asked.

Zhang Canyang and Jiang Haoran were also curious, and Qi Qi looked at Su Yi.

"It has been condensed for a long time, and it has not been used." Su Yi said perfunctorily.

Huo Soul was condensed by extracting the ability of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, this cannot be said for sure.

"You're hiding deep enough."

Cao Qinglang muttered, rolled his eyes slightly, and asked tentatively, "Have other souls condensed?"


Zhang Canyang next to him was stunned for a moment.

What do you mean?
Does Su Yi have other spiritual roots?

He felt that this possibility was still very high, after all, there had been warriors with three spiritual roots on Blue Star.

It is normal for an evildoer like Su Yi to have three spiritual roots.

"No." Su Yi said straight.

In addition to Huo Po and Lei Po, he also condensed Earth Po and Soul. It is amazing to say all of this, and there is no need for this.


Cao Qinglang nodded.

"Su Yi, you just used the innate supernatural power of the ancient dragon at the core of the earth?" Zhang Canyang expressed his doubts.

"No, I imitated it." Su Yi said lightly.

The Fire Heart Sacred Flame is also an ability extracted from the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, so it cannot be said.


Talented supernatural powers can also be imitated?
And Su Yi seems to be able to imitate so much after only watching it once?

The three of Zhang Canyang were stunned.

Su Yi explained with a smile: "Actually, there is no difficulty. The key lies in comprehension. As long as the comprehension is high, imitating innate supernatural powers is not a problem."

Zhang Canyang: "."

Cao Qinglang: "."

Zhang Haoran: "."

The hearts of Wukong and [Smart Chariot] are also a little complicated.

Su Yi's meaning is obvious. Because of his strong comprehension, it's just a trivial matter of imitating his natural supernatural powers.

Invisible pretense is the deadliest!

What is pretense, this is the real pretense!
What else can they say besides envy?
After all, with Su Yi's 20+ star talent, his comprehension ability is indeed unparalleled. This is an indisputable fact, and he is powerless to refute it!
Su Yi said this not to pretend to be coercive, but just to find an excuse.

Seeing that the three of Cao Qinglang were in a daze, he reminded: "Get in the car, let's continue on our way."

(End of this chapter)

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