Chapter 556 Red Base Vehicle

After everyone got into the car, under the command of Su Yi, the [Smart Chariot] drove towards Qingtan Mountain at high speed.

The delay here is not too short, in order not to miss the fruit of Shouxi, we must hurry up.

On the way, Zhang Canyang came to Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, what method did you use before, why can't those beetles enter your body?"

Before, he could see clearly that those beetles rushed towards Su Yi desperately, but every time they were three meters away from Su Yi, they were bounced away strangely, as if they had hit an invisible barrier .

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then said: "It's just a small trick, it won't be on the table."

As for the soul power involved, he didn't want to say it for the time being.

"Small tricks?"

Zhang Canyang clicked his tongue and looked at Su Yi in a daze, thinking that this is not a small trick, it can be called supernatural power.

However, since Su Yi didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. Instead, he asked, "Su Yi, what happened to you in the gap before?"

At that time, when they saw Su Yi being pulled into the gap, they all thought that Su Yi was finished.

"I was pulled closer by a soul worm."

Su Yi briefly talked about the encounter with the soul worm.

It's just that the extraction of the ability from the soul worm and the encounter with the daughter were concealed.

"There really are soul worms."

Zhang Canyang's expression froze.

Fortunately, it was Su Yi who was captured by the soul worms. If it were them, he would have died long ago.

"Take time to rest."

At this time, Su Yi sat down.

After repeated battles, he was indeed a little tired.

And when we arrive at Qingtan Mountain later, there may be a fierce battle, so we really need to take a good rest.

Cao Qinglang and the others also sat on the ground, resting with their eyes closed.

"What the hell! You can all rest, and I'm the only one who will be the cow!" [Smart Chariot] was a little bit annoyed.

However, he just complained in his heart and didn't say it out loud.

Because even if you say it, it won't change anything.

The rest of the journey has been very smooth. After driving for half an hour, the [Smart Chariot] suddenly picked up the speed, as if it were flying like lightning.

"No. 2, what are you doing?" Su Yi slowly opened his eyes and asked suspiciously.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "I'm afraid that I will delay your treasure hunting in the mountains, so I will work harder."

"is it?"

Su Yi didn't believe it, but he didn't think too much about it. He just reminded: "Number 2, I want to explore the surrounding area and tell me as soon as I encounter danger."


[Smart Chariot] happily agreed.

Later, after maintaining this speed for a few minutes, the [Smart Chariot] gradually slowed down.

Su Yi only thought that the [Smart Chariot] was tired, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But Cao Qinglang suddenly said, "Su Yi, there is a red base vehicle ahead."

"Base car?"

Su Yi frowned, "No. 2, can you check the people in the base car?"

There are not many human fighters who have entered the Yuankong Ancient Realm, so he was a little curious whose base car it was.

"Can't detect it."

[Smart Chariot] explained: "I'm not injured, the detection function is a bit ineffective."

"Then don't worry about it."

Su Yi didn't care, as long as he didn't trouble them.

After driving for a while, Cao Qinglang asked suspiciously: "No. 2, why are you always following the red base car?"


Hearing this, Su Yi stood up, swept forward, and indeed saw a red base vehicle.

Moreover, he also found that the speed of the [Smart Chariot] was almost the same as that of the red base vehicle, and the distance between the two was always within 50 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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