Chapter 557 The Rhythm of Picking Up Girls

Reminiscent of the weird behavior of [Smart Chariot] before, Su Yi has some doubts, is [Smart Chariot] just to chase this red base vehicle?
But why did [Smart Chariot] do this?
What is the purpose?
"Number 2, tell the truth, what exactly do you want to do?"

Su Yi squinted his eyes, looking like he saw through everything.

"Aren't we going to Qingtan Mountain? They are also going in the direction of Qingtan Mountain. It just happens to be on the way. It may be a coincidence." [Smart Chariot] said with a guilty conscience.

"Ha ha."

Su Yi smiled and said, "No. 2, stop!"

[Smart Chariot] can fool others, but it can't fool him. He doesn't believe what [Smart Chariot] says is true.

[Smart Chariot] I'm in a hurry, "Su Yi, aren't you going to Qingtan Mountain? Why stop?"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, "Who told you not to tell the truth."

[Smart Chariot] After being silent for a while, he said helplessly, "Because that red base vehicle also belongs to our mechanical clan."


Su Yi's expression froze, and he asked, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

[Smart Chariot] Now that you've met your fellow clan, it's normal to get to know each other, there's absolutely no need to hide the truth.

"That. Because she is a female machine race chariot." [Smart Chariot] said a little embarrassed.


Su Yi's eyes became strange.

What do you mean?
No. 2 won't take a fancy to the red base car, will he?

Su Yi thought for a while, and felt that the possibility was very high, so he asked, "No. 2, do you have any ideas about the red base car?"


Cao Qinglang and the others were a little confused when they heard Su Yi's words.

[Smart Chariot] smiled awkwardly, "Don't you humans have such a saying, a fair lady is a gentleman, isn't it normal for me to like her?"

Su Yi: "."

Everyone: "."

Good guy! [Smart Chariot] This is the rhythm of picking up girls!

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Haoran couldn't help laughing out loud.

A chariot actually wants to pick up girls?It's just unbelievable and hilarious.

"Jiang Haoran, what are you laughing at?"

[Smart Chariot] snorted softly, "Don't tell me you haven't found someone all your life? Does it mean that when you meet someone you like, others can laugh at you?"

Jiang Haoran was speechless for a moment.

He Muran thought that the [Smart Chariot] is a machine family, and it also has life and thinking, strictly speaking, it is similar to human beings.

Then it is normal for people to find a partner, and it is indeed a bit too much to take the opportunity to ridicule.

"I'm sorry No. 2, I shouldn't have laughed at you." Jiang Haoran apologized.

"As long as you can understand." [Smart Chariot] lost his temper.

Su Yi turned his mind slightly, and said, "No. 2, since you like the red base car, why don't you catch up and have a chat?"

If you like it, you have to act boldly, what's the matter with being timid?

This is not the style of [Smart Chariot] at all!
[Smart Chariot] Isn't it very brave?Cowardly at this time?

[Smart Chariot] smiled bitterly: "Su Yi, the intelligence of the red chariot has not been fully activated, it should be because the damage has not recovered. I just contacted her, but she didn't respond to me."


Su Yi's eyes flickered.

If there is no recovery, it actually means that it is similar to an ordinary base car.

So can I buy it?
As it is.
I bought a daughter-in-law for [Smart Chariot].

Thinking of this, Su Yi asked: "No. 2, find out who is in the red chariot."

(End of this chapter)

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