Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 558 I bought it to be your daughter-in-law

Chapter 558 I bought it to be your daughter-in-law
"Su Yi, the red chariot has a shielding function and cannot be detected." [Smart chariot] said truthfully.

Although the red chariot didn't regain its sanity, it was a machine family after all, so it still had some functions.

"Then catch up." Su Yi ordered.

Since he wanted to buy a red base car, he naturally wanted to get acquainted with the owner of the base car.

"Su Yi, can't we follow it? Why are you chasing after it?" [Smart Chariot] was a little puzzled.

Su Yi said straightly: "Don't you like red chariots? I plan to buy them to be your daughter-in-law."

[Smart Chariot]: "."

Is it so direct?

Although I like her very much, can you speak more reservedly?
Cao Qinglang and the others were all shocked.

Su Yi actually wants to buy a wife for [Smart Chariot]!

How does it feel like an arranged marriage?
Is it still possible to do this?
[Smart Chariot] said embarrassedly: "Su Yi, isn't that too abrupt?"

"It's fine if you don't want to." Su Yi said angrily.

This was done entirely for the sake of [Smart Chariot], never thought that at such a critical moment, [Smart Chariot] would lose the chain.

He was too lazy to care.

"Okay, listen to you."

[Smart Chariot] Seemed to have made up his mind, the speed increased again, and he chased after the red base vehicle.

But at this moment, Cao Qinglang reminded: "Su Yi, that red base vehicle is coming towards us."


Su Yi frowned, and said to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, stop."

[Smart Chariot] Suddenly came a sudden brake.

Cao Qinglang and the others were caught off guard, stumbling around one by one.

Also at this moment, the red chariot galloped over and stopped in front of the [smart chariot].

Soon, a slender, ordinary-looking young woman stepped down from the red chariot.

"It's actually her."

Su Yi pondered, "No. 2, open the door."

This woman is none other than Yuan Siying from Seven Star Island.

After Su Yi got out of the car, Yuan Siying walked over with a cold face, then took a look at Su Yi, and asked coldly, "Why are you following me?"

"I didn't follow you, maybe I was on the way." Su Yi smiled.

It was [Smart Chariot] who wanted to follow, not him.

Of course, this cannot be said.

After all, [Smart Chariot] is to pursue the red chariot, if this is said, Yuan Siying will treat him as a psychopath.

"By the way?"

Yuan Siying looked disbelieving, and said with a sneer, "You have been with me for more than ten miles. Since you said you are on the way, where are you going?"

"Qingtan Mountain." Su Yi said straight.

He could think that the place Yuan Siying went to should also be Qingtan Mountain. Since the destination is the same, there is no need to hide it.

"Are you going to Qingtan Mountain too?"

Yuan Siying muttered, and stopped pursuing it, turned around and walked towards the red chariot.

As Su Yi guessed, if she really wanted to go to Qingtan Mountain, then she would indeed be on her way.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that Yuan Siying was about to leave, Su Yi quickly spoke up.

"what's up?"

Yuan Siying stopped in her tracks, her expression a little unkind.

"Senior Sister Yuan, I want to make a deal with you." Su Yi said quickly.

"Who is your name, Senior Sister Yuan? Am I familiar with you?" Yuan Siying snorted.

Su Yi: "."

I frankly call you Senior Sister to respect you, you are too ignorant of flattery, right?

Su Yi was very upset, but for the sake of [Smart Chariot]'s happiness, he held back.

(End of this chapter)

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