Chapter 646: Space Alien Beast
"Su Yi, you did a great job!"

Hu Xiuyuan got up from the ground excitedly.

Before, he was crushed by two men in white, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

Now that the man in white was punched flying by Su Yi, he felt indescribably happy.

Su Yi stood on the spot for a while, then slowly walked towards the man in white.

"How dare you hurt my senior brother, you know it's a capital crime!"

The pretty woman stared at Su Yi, growling angrily.

"Is there something wrong with your mind?"

Su Yi snorted softly and said, "Your senior brother is only allowed to kill me, but I'm not allowed to fight back? Do you think you are the master of the universe? Everyone else has to listen to you? You idiot."

"Go to hell!"

The pretty woman blushed from Su Yi's anger, roared, and reached out to touch a cloth bag similar to a storage bag at her waist.

Seeing a flash of crystal light from the cloth bag, a palm-sized strange beast suddenly flew out.

I saw that this strange beast was covered with a layer of snow-white fur and had a pair of white wings growing on its back, which looked very cute.

"kill him!"

The charming woman reached out to Su Yi, and gave orders to the snow-white beast.


The snow-white beast opened its mouth and roared, and a silver ripple rushed out of it, sweeping towards Su Yi.

"The power of space! This is a space beast in the soul gathering state!"

Su Yi was not surprised but delighted.

Space beasts are very rare, if they are touched, will they extract the power of space to condense the space soul?

In this regard, he is still looking forward to it.

Just as the silver ripples swept over, a five-color shield suddenly appeared in Su Yi's hand, which was the [Five Elements Eternal Shield]

When the fire aura is injected, the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] instantly becomes the size of Zhang Xu, and the surface is covered with a layer of hot flames.

"He is a warrior of the three spirits!"

When the man in white saw Su Yi release the fire aura, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen something inconceivable.

Also at this time, silver ripples had hit the [Five Elements Eternal Shield].

Only heard a loud bang.

Su Yi was sent flying with his shield.

[Five Elements Eternal Shield] Although it is known for its defense, it can only exert its greatest power if it is input with five elements aura.

However, Su Yi only input fire aura, and his defense power was still very limited.

And that snow-white strange beast has reached the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and the power of space released is extremely powerful, so it is reasonable to be sent flying with one blow.

"That little white beast is quite fierce."

Everyone on the [Smart Chariot] talked with ease.

Although Su Yi seemed to be at a disadvantage, they were not worried at all.

They have all experienced Su Yi's strength before, and it is just a warm-up stage right now.

When Su Yi gets serious, maybe he can kill the snow-white beast with one move.

"But so!"

The charming woman's expression changed, and she continued to give orders to the snow-white beast, "Don't give him a chance to breathe, kill him!"

The wings on the back of the snow-white beast flapped violently, and there was a flicker in the air, which suddenly disappeared without a trace.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Su Yi, and opened his mouth to release the power of space again.

"You have no chance."

Two vortices surged in Su Yi's eyes, and when he locked his eyes on the white beast, two black rays of light plunged into the eyes of the white beast instantly.

The white beast suddenly fell into an illusion.

However, after all, it was a fourth-level beast of the Gathering Soul Realm, and it was freed from the illusion after a little struggle.

But at this moment, an invisible force crushed over and bound it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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