Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 647 It's Clearly My Spiritual Pet

Chapter 647 It's Clearly My Spiritual Pet
The snow-white beast realized that it was bound by the soul force, and there was a trace of panic in its eyes.

Of course, it will not sit still.

With the silver light shining all over his body, the power of space rushed out.

clack clack.
In a crisp sound, the soul power wrapped around the body was completely defeated.

However, it was a waste of time to get rid of [Death Gaze] and soul power continuously.

During this period, it was enough for Su Yi to launch the next wave of offensive.


But when Su Yi stepped on it, the ground was crushed.

After casting [Liuyun Fengying], it turned into a hurricane and rushed to the front of the snow-white beast in an instant.

Just when the snow-white beast broke free from the shackles of its soul power, a big golden hand grabbed its neck.

At this time, as long as Su Yi wanted to, he could strangle the snow white beast.

But he didn't do that, but directly threw it into [Langya Ring].

The space beasts at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm are so powerful, and it would be a pity to kill them, but it would be more cost-effective to keep them as spiritual pets.

In [Langya Jie], the Time Dirt Beast and the Earth Core Ancient Dragon had already received Su Yi's order.

The moment the snow-white beast appeared, a piece of golden light immediately enveloped the snow-white beast, and the ancient dragon from the center of the earth followed closely, pressing it to the ground with a slap.

After Su Yi threw the snow-white beast into [Langya Ring], he stopped paying attention.

With the strength of the time dirt beast and the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, it should not be too simple to deal with a space beast at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Suddenly, a system voice sounded in Su Yi's mind.

"Touch the half-moon star stepping beast to extract the flying ability, [Flying Wings] to advance to advanced flying supernatural powers. Extract 300 space power, combine with [All Souls Gathering Soul Sacred Method] to derive space soul, and the host's space spirituality is promoted to the third level of Soul Gathering Realm .”

"Condensed space soul!"

Su Yi was inexplicably excited.

Gathering the spirit of space, the strength soared again.

After [Flying Wings] was promoted, his life-saving ability improved again.

With his current flying speed, even the aircraft may not necessarily catch up.

"Not bad."

Su Yi couldn't hide his excitement, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Where did you catch my spiritual pet?"

After seeing the disappearance of the half-moon star stepper, the charming woman was stunned for a second, and then questioned Su Yi angrily.

Su Yi frowned slightly, looked at the beautiful woman, and said seriously: "What nonsense are you talking about? That is clearly my spiritual pet, how did it become yours?"

Since the half-moon star stepping beast has been included in [Langya Ring], no one else can steal it away.

Of course, doing so is a bit overbearing.

But whoever told the other party to make the first move can only be blamed on themselves.

The charming woman: "."

Your spiritual pet?

You are so deceitful!

At this moment, the charming woman almost spat blood out of anger.

Hu Xiuyuan stepped forward and said sarcastically, "Damn it! Did you consider my feelings when you robbed me before? Do you know what it feels like now? You deserve it!"

Su Yi rolled Hu Xiuyuan's eyes and coughed lightly.

Hu Xiuyuan immediately understood, and corrected him: "You first robbed me of my spiritual enlightenment stone, and later you robbed Su Yi of his spiritual pet. You are too shameless!"

"I fought with you!"

The charming woman was so angry that she raised her long sword in the air, and put on a posture of going all out.

"Junior Sister, don't act rashly!"

The man in white quickly stopped him.

Su Yi is not only a three-soul warrior, but also has unparalleled combat power.

If the beautiful woman fights with Su Yi, it will be like hitting a stone with an egg.

(End of this chapter)

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