Chapter 648
"But, my spiritual pet was taken away by him!" The charming woman was extremely unwilling.

The half-moon star stepper was cultivated by her with countless efforts and spiritual materials. Once the half-moon star stepper is lost, her combat effectiveness will also be greatly reduced.

Just ask, how could she be willing.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him!"

The expression of the man in white suddenly became solemn, and then he swallowed a pill with his mouth raised.

The next moment, his aura rose steadily, and he quickly returned to his peak state.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

Su Yi was amazed.

The white-clothed man was seriously injured, but after taking the elixir, he was instantly revived with full blood,

The medicinal effect of that pill is obviously more effective than that of Yunling pill.

The Yunling Pill was already regarded as a holy medicine for healing. It was better than Yunling Pill, and its value was immeasurable.

As an alchemist, Su Yi couldn't help but salivate over this pill.

I thought to myself that I must get Danfang in a while.

"I wasted a Rainbow Pellet, and I will definitely make you pay a heavy price!"

The man in white glared at Su Yi, his eyes becoming more and more gloomy.

"It seems that you haven't been beaten enough!"

Su Yi curled his lips and smiled contemptuously.

"Don't be crazy! Next, I'll show you what real strength is!" The man in white shouted angrily.

Su Yi was speechless.

If you want to fight, you can fight, do you have to pretend first?
This will make it look more powerful?

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Su Yi was a little impatient.


The man in white snorted coldly.

clack clack.
Suddenly, the whole body began to swell.

Originally less than 1.8 meters tall, in a blink of an eye it reached two meters away.

Moreover, there are even more weird changes.

I saw that half of his body was fiery red, and his body was covered with a layer of red scales, like rubies, exuding a dazzling red glow.

The other side of the body turned into a tree trunk, as if the whole bark had grown on the body.

"What kind of secret technique is this?" Hu Xiuyuan looked very solemn.

After the transformation, the white-clothed man's aura was extremely violent, like a ferocious beast walking out of the wilderness, his whole body was filled with a solid murderous aura, which created a strong psychological pressure on him.

"Could it be one of the [Seven Transformations of Insects]?" Su Yi's eyelids twitched.

When he was in the Yuankong Ancient Realm, the demon Dong Junren had also used [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects], and he felt that he had many similarities with the man in white.

It's just that the demon Dong Junren can only change his arms, and there is still a huge gap between him and the man in white.

Except for the head, the whole body of the man in white has been transformed.

In this way, his strength will become even stronger.

"Fatty, step aside first." Su Yi reminded.

Without further ado, Hu Xiuyuan turned around and slipped to the side of the [Smart Chariot].


The man in white looked at Su Yi with a smirk, his eyes turned scarlet, like the eyes of a beast, with a bloodthirsty look.

Suddenly, he rushed towards Su Yi.

Before anyone arrived, a gust of wind swept towards Su Yi first.

"Play with you."

There was no wave on Su Yi's face when the man in white rushed forward.

A bright golden light rose into the sky.

Su Yi was bathed in the golden light, like a god of war in golden armor, bent over, and punched out fiercely.

A tiger howl resounded resoundingly.

The golden fist turned into a cannonball, and smashed at the man in white with unrivaled force.

(End of this chapter)

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