Chapter 750 Enchanting

Ji Xiaoning and Guan Hua exchanged eye contact, finally nodded and said: "Then excuse me."

There is indeed nowhere to go right now, and Su Yi is their savior, so they simply follow Su Yi back to the source city.

"You two seniors are welcome."

Su Yi smiled, and then said: "But it's too late now, the city gate has been closed, and we can only enter the city tomorrow morning."

He could fly in, but he couldn't take Ji Xiaoning and the two with him.


Ji Xiaoning didn't care.

Su Yi turned to take out the [Smart Chariot] and invited Ji Xiaoning and the two to get on the car.

Although you can't enter Yuancheng, you can't spend the night in this place either.

At least go back to the source city, so that you can enter the city as soon as possible tomorrow.

"This is the smart chariot of the machine race!"

Ji Xiaoning and Guan Hua were shocked again.

Even in the mechanical empire, the number of [smart chariots] is very rare.

And with the destruction of the mechanical empire, the [smart chariot] disappeared even more, and it has not appeared for many years.

I never thought that Su Yi had one.

Seeing the shock of Ji Xiaoning and the two, Su Yi smiled in his heart and said, "I still have one."

Of course, there is no need to say this.

After the three got into the car, under the signal of Su Yi, the [Smart Chariot] drove towards Yuancheng.

On the way, Ji Xiaoning asked: "Su Yi, what attribute aura did you release before, why haven't we seen it before?"

The power contained in the Primal Chaos is too terrifying, and this is the first time they have seen it.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the power of the chaos.

Su Yi said lightly: "It's just the fusion of the power of several attributes."

"Attribute fusion?"

Guan Hua and Ji Xiaoning were a little confused.

It was the first time they had heard such a statement, guessing that Su Yi was a multi-soul warrior?
"Su Yi, how many souls have you gathered?" Ji Xiaoning asked tentatively.


Su Yi hesitated for a moment, but finally said it.

The Qi of Chaos will definitely be used in the future, there is no need to keep it hidden.

"Ten souls?"

Guan Hua and Ji Xiaoning were so dumbfounded that their jaws almost dropped.

They have never heard of a person with full spiritual roots, let alone condensed all ten spirits.

What kind of monster is Su Yi?
"The two seniors don't know something."

Su Yi said modestly: "I was able to condense ten souls, but in fact luck accounted for most of them."

"Does it have anything to do with luck?"

Ji Xiaoning and the two didn't quite believe it.

Who is so lucky to condense ten souls at once?
Guan Hua regained his composure and said with emotion: "Su Yi, you are the most monstrous genius I have ever seen!"

"Senior, it's ridiculous." Su Yi said with a smile.

Ji Xiaoning looked at Su Yi in a daze, and asked, "Su Yi, how old are you this year?"

"Seventeen." Su Yi said straight.

"Only seventeen?"

Ji Xiaoning and Guan Hua were completely stunned.

At the age of 17, ten spirits have been condensed, which is simply shocking.

In terms of talent alone, no one in this world can match Su Yi.

"Seniors, are you hungry?"

If the conversation continued, Ji Xiaoning and the two might still be shocked, so Su Yi changed the subject.

"We're really a little hungry." Ji Xiaoning nodded.

Before fleeing all the way, Ken didn't have time.

Speaking of which, they haven't delivered anything for several days, and they are indeed a little hungry.

Su Yi quickly took out the oven and started grilling Yinxiao venison.

(End of this chapter)

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