Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 751 Ling Nianyao's true identity

Chapter 751 Ling Nianyao's true identity
When [Smart Chariot] returned to the vicinity of the source city, Su Yi had already passed the Yinxiao venison test.

"Senior, eat barbecue."

Su Yi distributed the barbecue meat to Ji Xiaoning and the two, and he only took a bunch.

Because dinner is also barbecue, not very hungry.

Ji Xiaoning and the two of them were not polite, they took the barbecue and devoured it, and praised the Yinxiao venison while eating.

After eating the barbecue, Su Yi took out a giant watermelon.

"Su Yi, where did you get this watermelon?"

When Ji Xiaoning saw the giant watermelon, she suddenly became excited.

"It was exchanged from your elves." Su Yi replied.

Judging by Ji Xiaoning's expression, she should have seen a giant watermelon before.

But aren't giant watermelons only available to Ling Nianyao? Could it be that Ji Xiaoning knows Ling Nianyao?
"Su Yi, do you know the name of my clansman?" Ji Xiaoning took a deep breath and asked.

"Ling Nianyao." Su Yi said straight.

Ji Xiaoning Huo De stood up and asked eagerly: "Su Yi, where is Ling Nianyao now?"

"Senior, do you know Ling Nianyao?" Su Yi asked back.

Ji Xiaoning nodded, "Ling Nianyao is the saint of our elves, I must know her."

"Elf saint!"

Su Yi was very surprised.

At the beginning, he felt that Ling Nianyao's identity was not simple, but he did not expect to be a saint of the elves.

You must know that becoming a saint is the next queen of the elves, and has the right to control a race.

"Ling Nianyao is hiding something very deep."

Su Yi murmured, then turned to Ji Xiaoning and said, "Senior, Ling Nianyao is also my friend, and I arranged her in Yuancheng."


Ji Xiaoning's eyes lit up.

This time I came to Blue Star, one is to escape, and the other is to find Ling Nianyao.

I didn't expect to find it so easily, luck is really great.

"it is true."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Senior, I will take you to see her tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Ji Xiaoning was overjoyed, and then said gratefully: "Su Yi, thank you so much!"

Su Yi not only saved their lives, but also helped take Ling Nianyao in. She didn't even know what to say.

"Senior, you are welcome."

While Su Yi was talking, he cut open the watermelon and asked Ji Xiaoning to eat it together.

In the back, the three chatted while eating watermelon.

Before I knew it, I chatted for more than two hours before I started to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Yi got up and got out of the car.

Ji Xiaoning and the two are still asleep.

Su Yi didn't bother them.

Ji Xiaoning and the two fled for several days, and they were injured physically and physically exhausted, so they were asked to rest for a while.

At this time, the gate of Yuancheng had not been opened yet, Su Yi stopped outside the car for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Ling Nianyao.

"Su Yi, what are you doing so early in the morning?"

Ling Nianyao didn't seem to wake up yet, her speech was slurred.

"Ask you something."

Su Yi whispered: "You elves have a person named Ji Xiaoning, do you know?"

"She is the elder of our elves!"

Ling Nianyao woke up all of a sudden, and said in a trembling voice, "Su Yi, how do you know Elder Ji's name? Have you met her?"

"Not only did I see her, but I also saved her."

Su Yi briefly described the process of meeting Ji Xiaoning and the other two.

Ling Nianyao was silent for a while, and said, "Su Yi, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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