Chapter 766 Visiting Pei Li
"Brother Pei, I'm also a member of the Xingyue Mercenary Corps, why are you still being polite to me?" Su Yi joked.

Su Yi was able to say this, Pei Lin was very happy, and asked with a smile: "Su Yi, why are you here this time?"

"I mainly came to see sister Pei's injury." Su Yi said.


Pei Lin nodded, "She's upstairs, come with me."

On the second floor, in a separate room, Pei Li was lying on the bed, in a coma.

Su Yi walked to the bed and took a closer look, only to see that Pei Li's face was as pale as paper, apparently deeply injured.

"Brother Pei, who was Sister Pei injured by the thunderstorm mercenary group?"

Su Yi withdrew his gaze and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know the exact name, but it must be someone from the Thunderstorm Mercenary Corps." Pei Lin gritted his teeth and said.

Pei Li was able to survive thanks to the gift of a golden scale armor from Su Yi, otherwise, she would have died on the spot.

"Brother Pei, give this pill to Sister Pei."

Su Yi took out a Yunling Pill and handed it to Pei Lin.

He had already regarded the Pei Lin brothers and sisters as friends, and he had always treated friends without stinginess.

And Pei Li's injury was indeed too severe, if not treated in time, the root cause of the disease might be burned, causing the cultivation to stop moving forward.

"Su Yi, what kind of elixir is this?"

Pei Lin had never seen Yunling Pill before, so he asked curiously.

"Yunling Pill." Su Yi said.


Pei Lin was shocked.

Yunling Pill has the reputation of a holy medicine for healing, and each one is priceless.

"Su Yi, Yunling Pill is too precious, I can't take it." Pei Lin refused.

If it's something else, just accept it.But Yunling Pill is something that money can't buy, and it can be used to save life at critical moments, so he is really embarrassed to want it.

"It's important to help Sister Pei treat her injuries right now. It doesn't matter if you use Yunling Pill, I can continue refining."

Su Yi forced the Yunling Pill to Pei Lin.

After all, Yunling Pill is not a high-grade pill, and the difficulty of refining is not high, it is nothing more than difficult to find the materials.

Thinking of Pei Li's injury, Pei Lin did not refuse this time, but his eyes were a little moist.

Su Yi regarded their brothers and sisters as his own, which moved his heart very much. When he was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Su Yi in a daze, and tentatively said: "Su Yi, you said just now that you can practice Control Yun Ling Pill?"

Isn't it an alchemist who can refine elixirs?

Su Yi still has this ability?

"I am indeed an alchemist." Su Yi admitted.

The reason why he identified his identity was because he was worried that Pei Lin would not accept the Yunling Pill.

"Really an alchemist!"

Pei Lin was shocked, and lost his voice: "So you have already gathered your soul?"

The first condition to become an alchemist is to condense the fire soul, so, isn't Su Yi a dual soul warrior?

Su Yi smiled, noncommittal.

He has condensed ten souls, and fire soul is only one of them.

Of course, there is no need to say this.

Pei Lin was already shocked.

If he said this, Pei Lin would probably be dumbfounded.

Pei Lin took a deep breath and sighed inwardly, "A 17-year-old dual-spirit warrior, what a monster!"

"Brother Pei, I still have some elf specialties here, please stay and try."

Su Yi then opened the [Qiankun Ring] and took out several giant watermelons and some fruits.

"Elf specialty?"

Pei Lin looked at the giant watermelon in front of him, his eyes straightened.

(End of this chapter)

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