Chapter 767
"Brother Pei, I have to leave beforehand. If you encounter any troubles that cannot be solved, you must notify me."

Before leaving, Su Yi gave a warning.

Today, if he hadn't happened to come here, the Xingyue Mercenary Corps would pack up and leave, and they might even be beaten violently.

"I see." Pei Lin nodded heavily.

These days, almost all cities are in turmoil.

It is difficult to deal with them with their abilities, and they really need Su Yi's help.

After leaving the headquarters of the Xingyue Mercenary Corps, Su Yi did not rush back to the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy, but went to various spiritual material shops.

Whether it is the Shengling Pill or the Body Building Pill, they all need to be refined urgently.

However, the spiritual materials for these two types of elixir are not available. The spiritual material shop in Yuancheng will not have any particularly precious spiritual materials, but there will still be some auxiliary spiritual materials.

Later, he went to buy one by one.

This purchase took several hours, and it was already afternoon.

When Su Yi came to a spiritual material shop called 'Baiyun', he saw a circle of people outside the shop, not only the citizens of Yuancheng, but also a large number of law enforcement officers.

The duty of the law enforcement team is to maintain law and order and fight crime. Their presence here means that something happened at Baiyun Lingcai Shop, and someone probably did something here.

Su Yi stopped for a while, then walked straight forward.

Squeezing to the front from the spectators, the first thing they saw were two acquaintances, Feng Zhennan, the head of the Yuancheng Law Enforcement Team, and Cheng Hai, the team leader.

Opposite them stood a strong man like an iron tower.

This person was in his twenties, with a ferocious face and a gloomy smile on his face, and he was confronting Feng Zhennan.

Around them, there were several law enforcement officers lying down, all of whom seemed to be seriously injured, unable to get up for a while.

Su Yi could imagine that the person who injured the law enforcement team must be a strong man in the iron tower.

And Feng Zhennan has arrived here, which shows that the strong man of the iron tower must be very strong.

"No. 2, check the opponent's strength." Su Yi whispered to communicate with [Smart Chariot].

"He is a martial artist at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm." [Smart Chariot] replied quickly.

After figuring out the strength of the opponent, Su Yi walked forward slowly, and greeted Feng Zhennan, "Captain Feng, Captain Cheng."

"Su Yi! Why are you here?"

Feng Zhennan was quite surprised.

"Passing by."

Su Yi smiled lightly, then asked, "Captain Feng, what happened?"

Feng Zhennan pointed at the strong man in the iron tower, and said angrily: "This guy bought spiritual materials at the Baiyun Spiritual Material Shop. Not only did he not give money, but he also injured people. Our law enforcement team arrested him and was beaten by him." hurt."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The iron tower is strong against the law of Wuyuan City, openly provoking the majesty of Yuancheng, if he is not punished, how can he establish his prestige?

"Do you know the consequences of beating a law enforcement team member in Yuancheng?" Su Yi stared at the strong man in the iron tower and asked in a cold voice.

"as a result of?"

The strong man in the iron tower laughed wildly: "I, Sha Wenxuan, have always acted without any scruples! Don't say you are a small source city, even in the entire Blue Star, who can do anything to me?"

"It's crazy!"

Feng Zhennan and Chenghai looked angry.

The onlookers were also very angry, pointing at Sha Wenxuan.

"A group of lowly people from the exiled land dare to question me, they don't want to live!"

Sha Wenxuan suddenly yelled coldly, with a strong coercion in his voice, which shocked the surrounding audience into silence.

The expressions of Feng Zhennan and Chenghai also changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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