Chapter 781 Rejection
The reason is also very simple, as long as you join the sect, you will be bound.

Su Yi needs to be gifted and talented, and he needs to have his own skills. He also has a lot of training resources, and he has a system.

Freedom to practice Duoxiang, why should I suffer this crime?

Another point, he has been regarded as the patron saint of Yuancheng.

If this joins Qingyun Sword Sect, who will guard Yuancheng?
What should Li Zhenfeng and others think?
"Su Yi, what do you think?" Yan Zhiyong asked with some expectation.

"Thank you senior for your kindness, but this junior has no intention of joining any sect for the time being." Su Yi politely declined.

Yan Zhiyong was stunned.

At first, I thought Su Yi would happily agree.

You must know that Qingyun Sword Sect is also a great sect, and he even invited him personally, showing his sincerity.

If it were someone else, I would have been grateful to Dade.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi refused.

However, Yan Zhiyong was not angry, and quickly calmed down, and asked instead: "Su Yi, can you tell me the reason?"

Su Yi asked back: "Senior, why did you invite me to join Qingyun Sword Sect?"

He only had contact with someone from Qingyun Sword Sect once, and it was very unpleasant.

Then, why did Qingyun Sword Sect invite him to join?

This is very strange.

Yan Zhiyong smiled and said: "The reason is very simple. You are the most monstrous genius that has appeared in the human race in recent years, and you are the one who is expected to become the strongest. Our Qingyun Sword Sect sincerely invites you to join because of this. "


This answer surprised Su Yi a little.

It is true that with his 27-star talent and the condensed ten spirits, he can indeed be called a monster.

But the point is, how did Yan Zhiyong know about it?
Could it be that it was learned from the three of Zhao Zixuan?

But that possibility is slim.

At that time, he really crushed the three of Zhao Zixuan and showed his formidable combat power.

However, no matter in Xuantian Continent or Blue Star, he is not the only one who crushes opponents by leapfrogging.

It must be a bit general to determine that he is a monstrous genius after only one battle.

With a person like Yan Zhiyong, he will definitely not come to this conclusion easily.

Su Yi didn't want to understand, and simply asked: "Senior, I'm actually just slightly more talented than others. Why do you think so highly of me?"

"You don't have to be humble."

Yan Zhiyong chuckled, "You have a talent of more than 20 stars, and you have the best spiritual roots. If you are not a genius, wouldn't everyone else be trash?"


Su Yi was stunned.

Why did Yan Zhiyong know so clearly?

Yan Zhiyong explained: "Before Yuancheng, I made a special trip to Venus City. Fellow Daoist Jiang told me about you."

"Jiang Daoyou?"

Su Yi frowned.

Some wondered if Jiang Hongyi told him.

Because only Jiang Hongyi was able to get in touch with a strong man of Yan Zhiyong's level.

Jiang Li and the others should not be qualified enough.

Seeing that Su Yi was in a daze, Yan Zhiyong continued, "You should have guessed it. It was the patriarch of the Jiang family, fellow Taoist Jiang Hongyi, who told me."


Su Yi nodded, and began to complain about Jiang Hongyi in his heart.

Jiang Hongyi has nothing to do, what is he doing to reveal his details to Yan Zhiyong? Isn't this causing him more trouble?

Yan Zhiyong continued: "I'll tell you another thing. Fellow Daoist Jiang is very supportive of you joining Qingyun Sword Sect."

As Su Yi's elder, Jiang Hongyi's words were very powerful, enough to make Su Yi change.

(End of this chapter)

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