Chapter 782 Purpose
Su Yi could imagine that Jiang Hongyi's support was also for his sake.

After all, Qingyun Sword Sect is also a big sect, joining Qingyun Sword Sect is equivalent to gaining a powerful backer.

However, he still will not give up his original intention for this.

"Senior, I still can't agree." Su Yi said seriously.

After saying these words, he was actually a little worried. What if Yan Zhiyong became angry from embarrassment?
Yan Zhiyong took a deep breath, looked at Su Yi blankly, "Su Yi, you should give me a reason to refuse, right?"

"Because I don't want to be restrained." Su Yizhi said.

"It's that simple?" Yan Zhiyong was stunned.

At first, I thought that Su Yi had some unspeakable secrets, but I never thought that there was such a reason.

"Su Yi, you don't have to worry about this at all."

Yan Zhiyong smiled and said: "As long as you agree to join Qingyun Sword Sect, you will not be subject to any restrictions. You can still do whatever you want. I can guarantee this."

"In addition, all the resources of the Qingyun Sword Sect will be given priority to you. Moreover, our Qingyun Sword Sect will also move into the source city, and will do our best to help you protect the source city!"


Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

According to Yan Zhiyong's words, as long as he joins the Qingyun Sword Sect, it will only benefit him, and there will be no harm.

But he didn't understand, what is Qingyun Jianzong planning?
You can't give selflessly, can you?

"Senior, you want me to join Qingyun Sword Sect for a purpose, right?" Su Yi asked.


Yan Zhiyong nodded, but did not hide it, "Our purpose is to train you to become the next master of Qingyun Sword Sect!"


Su Yi's mouth opened wide, and he was a little confused.

When Yan Zhiyong invited him to join, he actually regarded him as the next suzerain, which was beyond his expectation.

"Senior, aren't you always kidding me?" Su Yi clicked his tongue.

"No joke!"

Yan Zhiyong looked solemn, and said seriously: "Training you to become the next suzerain is what we old guys discussed before."

Su Yi swallowed, and asked puzzledly, "Do you really believe that I have this ability?"

Becoming the master of a sect is not a child's play, not only requires a strong combat power, but also great prestige, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

And he was only 17 years old, his cultivation was only at the fourth level of Gathering Soul Realm, and he hadn't made any contribution to Qingyun Sword Sect, so he was suddenly trained as the suzerain's successor.

May I ask, can those disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect be convinced?

"We all believe in you!"

Yan Zhiyong was very determined.

According to what he knew, Su Yi rose suddenly a few months ago, and since then, he has been out of control.

The cultivation base is progressing like flying, and the combat power is extremely sturdy.

In just a few months, he was promoted from an ordinary person to the fourth level of Gathering Soul Realm.

This terrifying speed of advancement is probably only comparable to the legendary Su Chen.

Of course, the current Su Yi is far inferior to Su Chen.

However, Su Yi's potential is limitless, the talent of more than 20 stars, the best full spiritual root, this is the biggest capital.

In the eyes of the senior leaders of Qingyun Sword Sect, Su Yi has a great possibility to aspire to be the strongest.

Under the leadership of an extremely powerful person, Qingyun Sword Sect will surely go to glory.

Just like the Sun, Moon and Star Palace tens of thousands of years ago, they soared to the sky and became the largest sect among the ten thousand races only after Su Chen joined them.

It was out of this consideration that they tried their best to invite Su Yi to join.

(End of this chapter)

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