Chapter 783 The True Disciple
Hearing this, Su Yi became thoughtful.

Joining Qingyun Sword Sect is of great benefit to him personally as well as to Yuancheng.

But relative to use, pay more.In this way, the burden on the body is even heavier.

Whenever he thinks that he is only 17 years old and has to bear the pressure that this age should not have, his heart is somewhat bitter.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, Yan Zhiyong persuaded again, "Su Yi, you should also be aware of the current situation of Blue Star, which is very chaotic and dangerous. You can't survive alone with your own strength in Yuancheng."

"And as long as you join the Qingyun Sword Sect, with our full support, you will be able to frighten Xiaoxiao, and Yuancheng will remain unmoved."

Su Yi analyzed the stakes and finally made up his mind, "Thank you for your kindness, senior, this junior agrees to join Qingyun Sword Sect!"

As Yan Zhiyong said, Blue Star is in turmoil today.

It is impossible to protect Yuancheng by itself.

And he had taken precautions to invite Vulture Palace to join, and it was precisely for the safety of Yuancheng.

However, just relying on the Vulture Palace alone may not be able to make Yuancheng safe and sound.

And if Qingyun Jianzong is added, the grasp will be greatly enhanced.

With three powerhouses in the supernatural realm sitting in command, which force would dare to provoke them easily?
In addition, Su Yi can also think that joining Qingyun Sword Sect is actually a win-win cooperation relationship.

Since it is beneficial to both parties, I simply agreed.


Yan Zhiyong was overjoyed, and shouted out of the aircraft: "Fang Weize, come in."


Fang Weize quickly entered the aircraft and stood respectfully in front of Yan Zhiyong.

Yan Zhiyong said happily: "Weize, Su Yi has agreed to join the Qingyun Sword Sect, and he will be your junior from now on."

"Junior Brother Su, congratulations!" Fang Weize said happily.

He had already learned that Yan Zhiyong came here to invite Su Yi to join, and he also hoped that Su Yi would join.

"Senior brother?"

Su Yi was dumbfounded.

Fang Weize is a martial artist in the Illusory Spirit Realm and an elder of Qingyun Sword Sect.

And he just joined Qingyun Sword Sect, so he can only be regarded as a disciple at most.

Is seniority wrong?

Fang Weize should call him nephew, right?

Yan Zhiyong saw Su Yi's doubts, and explained with a smile: "Su Yi, you are the successor of the next suzerain, and you are the only true disciple of our Qingyun Sword Sect. And the true disciple and the elder are at the same level, Fang Weize There is nothing wrong with calling you Junior Brother."

"Is there such a rule?"

Su Yi changed his mind, and said thoughtfully: "So, Zhao Zixuan and the others will call me uncle when they see me in the future?"

"That's for sure." Fang Weize affirmed.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

I thought that when Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya learned of his identity, they would be very complicated, right?

"Su Yi, you are now a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect. If you have any needs, feel free to ask." Yan Zhiyong said.

He was really happy for Su Yi's joining, so he thought of giving Su Yi a little greeting.

"Is anything ok?"

Su Yi said thoughtfully.

At present, what he needs most is the spiritual materials for refining various elixirs, and the top-quality spirit crystals that can help the [Smart Chariot] upgrade.

Since Yan Zhiyong proposed it, he naturally couldn't miss this opportunity.

Anyway, it's all my own.

"The old man has already said that any resources of Qingyun Sword Sect will be open to you first, so you can just say it." Yan Zhiyong said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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