Chapter 784
"Sovereign, if you have the best spirit crystals, give me a hundred." Su Yi said naturally.

[Smart Chariot] One hundred top-quality spirit crystals are exactly needed to advance to an advanced form.

Of course, the best spirit crystal is enough to be regarded as a treasure.

Qingyun Sword Sect may not have so many, he just said it casually.

It's best if you can have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

"One Hundred"

Fang Weize almost choked to death.

I thought to myself that Junior Brother Su really didn't treat himself as an outsider!

Yan Zhiyong swallowed, and smiled awkwardly, "Su Yi, it's not that I won't give it to you, it's true that Qingyun Sword Sect doesn't even have ten top-quality spirit crystals."

"Sovereign, I'm just joking, you don't have to take it seriously." Su Yi said with a smile: "In fact, I only need a little spiritual material."

Since there is no top-grade spirit crystal, he can only ask for some spiritual materials to refine the elixir.

Yan Zhiyong and Fang Weize breathed a sigh of relief.

If Su Yi really asked for so many top-quality spirit crystals, they really didn't know what to do.

"Su Yi, our Qingyun Sword Sect still has a lot of spiritual materials, and Fang Weize has a lot on him. Tell him what you need." Yan Zhiyong said.

"Then thank you suzerain." Su Yi said gratefully.

"It's all my own, so you don't need to be polite."

Yan Zhiyong smiled, and then said: "Su Yi, the situation on Qianyu Island is not optimistic. I must rush back to sit in town as soon as possible, so I will ask Fang Weize to stay and help you. In addition, you also choose a sect in Yuancheng Address, waiting for us to move in in the future."

"Okay, suzerain." Su Yi nodded hurriedly.

Fang Weize is a warrior in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, staying by his side can really help a lot.

Afterwards, the three of them exchanged some pleasantries, and Yan Zhiyong drove the aircraft and left alone.

Su Yi invited Fang Weize to get in the car.

When he came to the car, he introduced to Sha Wenxuan: "Lao Sha, this is the elder Fang of our Qingyun Sword Sect, and he is a strong man in the Illusory Spiritual Realm."

"Junior Sha Wenxuan has met senior." Sha Wenxuan greeted respectfully.

Qingyun Sword Sect is a great sect, and Fang Weize is a strong man in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, worthy of his respect.

However, what made him a little puzzled was that Su Yi was talking about us. Could it be that Su Yi is also a member of Qingyun Sword Sect?

Su Yi then introduced to Fang Weize: "Brother Fang, Sha Wenxuan comes from the Sha family in Xuantian Continent, and their family has an ancestor in the realm of the gods."


Sha Wenxuan was stunned.

If I heard correctly, Su Yi called Fang Weize senior brother?

what is happening?

Fang Zewei nodded slightly, and when he saw Sha Wenxuan's face was bruised and swollen, he asked strangely, "How did Nephew Sha get the injury on his face?"

Sha Wenxuan regained his composure, and was suddenly a little embarrassed.

The injury on his face was caused by Su Yi's beating, but it was not appropriate to say it on this occasion, so he smiled coyly, "Senior, I accidentally fell and injured myself before."

Su Yi added: "It hit a very hard piece of metal."

Fang Weize's eyes became strange.

Can a martial artist injure himself?Unless it's a fool.

But judging by Sha Wenxuan's speech and behavior, he is not a fool.

Fang Weize knew that what Su Yi and the two said was not a matter, but he didn't point it out. He just reminded: "Be careful in the future, don't let your brain fall."

"Is anyone talking like that?"

Sha Wenxuan was upset.

Is this a reminder or an insult?
However, facing a martial artist in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, he definitely didn't dare to express his emotions, and turned to Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, are you also a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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