Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 786 Su Yi Has More Than This Ability

Chapter 786 Su Yi Has More Than This Ability

After Su Yi collected the selected spiritual materials into [The Ring of Heaven and Kun], Fang Weize spoke again, "Su Yi, I still have an ancient exercise here, and I need your help in deciphering it."

"Su Yi can also decipher ancient characters?"

Hearing this, Sha Wenxuan was a little dumbfounded.

Isn't it something some scholars do to decipher ancient texts, so can Su Yi?

"Brother Fang, you're welcome."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Give me the exercises, I just have time now."

Fang Weize was overjoyed, and quickly took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Su Yi.

When Su Yi saw Yin Kewen on the parchment, he said relaxedly, "Brother Fang, wait for a while."

After saying that, he walked into a room.

Then use [Pupil of Enlightenment] to decipher.

In less than a minute, all the silver Kewen on the parchment were transformed into blue starwen.

Su Yi took a closer look, but saw that it was a mysterious-level exercise called [Wood You Jue], and it was also a wood-type exercise.


Su Yi was overjoyed.

He can't use [Wood You Jue] himself, but Su Lin needs it.

Moreover, the level of [Mu You Jue] is not low, which is just right for Su Lin.

Later, Su Yi quickly copied two copies of [Mu You Jue], turned and walked out of the room.

"Su Yi, have you finished deciphering it?" Fang Weize asked in surprise.

It took less than 5 minutes for Su Yi to enter the room and leave.

Can the ancient text be deciphered so quickly?


Su Yi nodded, and handed the parchment and writing paper to Fang Weize, "Senior Brother Fang, take a look."

Fang Weize watched it carefully, and said excitedly after a while: "That's right, it's really deciphered!"

Sha Wenxuan on the side was shocked.

Su Yi can not only decipher ancient characters, but also decipher them so fast, which is too exaggerated.

"Brother Fang, my sister has wood spirit roots. I plan to give this exercise to my sister. Do you think it's okay?" Su Yi asked.

"No problem." Fang Weize didn't care.

Su Yi is one of his own, so asking for this is nothing.


Su Yi smiled slightly, "Brother Fang, then I'll go back first, call me if you need anything."


Fang Weize nodded.

Later, Su Yi brought Sha Wenxuan to Huo Tiancheng's accommodation, explained a few words, turned and left.

As soon as Su Yi left, Sha Wenxuan regained his energy and said to Huo Tiancheng, "Brother, Su Yi is so awesome. He can not only refine medicine, but also decipher ancient characters."

Huo Tiancheng looked calm, "What's the fuss, Su Yi is more than that capable, he can fly. Besides, he's also sneaky when punching holes."

In fact, he has never seen Su Yi flying and punching holes, these are all Wukong told him.

Sha Wenxuan: "."

Being able to fly is indeed an extremely powerful ability.

But what the hell is a hole?

On the other side, just as Su Yi walked out the door, Ling Nianyao called and asked him to come over to discuss something important.

Su Yi reluctantly went to Ling Nianyao's residence.

Today was a very busy day for him. He fought three fights alone. He originally wanted to go back and take a rest, but now it was a waste of time.

After entering the room, all three of Ling Nianyao were there.

Su Yi first greeted Ji Xiaoning and the recovery of their injuries, and then asked Ling Nianyao the purpose of calling him here.

"Su Yi, don't you want to help us find the seeds of the holy tree? When are we going to leave?" Ling Nianyao said straight.

(End of this chapter)

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