Chapter 787

"Didn't I tell you, let's go when you're ready, what are you in a hurry for?" Su Yi was a little annoyed.

If he had known about this, he would not have come here.

Ji Xiaoning explained: "Su Yi, you blamed Nian Yao wrongly. The main reason is that I was a little anxious, and that's why I asked Nian Yao to call you."

Su Yi's face softened a lot, "Senior, I actually want to go earlier, but Yuancheng still has a lot of things to deal with, and I can't do without me at all, so I have to wait a few more days."

Although, he is only a student, and he is not as good as Luo Junnan and Li Zhenfeng in terms of cultivation and prestige.

But if they encounter difficult things, the two may not be able to solve them.

On the other hand, with the support of the Jiang family and Qingyun Sword Sect behind him, ordinary people really dare not lose face.


Ji Xiaoning nodded, "Su Yi, if you need help, just ask."

Su Yi's kindness to them is as great as a mountain, even if he helps them, he should.

"Speaking of which, I really need the help of the seniors."

Su Yi said: "The Blue Star is very turbulent right now. Many forces from the Xuantian Continent have rushed into the Blue Star to fight for the territory, and Yuan City will not be spared. If there are really strong people coming, and I can't deal with it , I hope the seniors can make a move."

"no problem."

Ji Xiaoning promised with a strong oath.

"Then thank you, senior." Su Yi said gratefully.

"Su Yi, speaking of it, you saved our lives, so don't be polite to us." Ji Xiaoning said indifferently.

Later, the four of them chatted for a while, and Su Yi excused himself to have something to do and left here.

Back home, Su Lin ran to Su Yi's side and said excitedly, "Brother, you are so majestic in the academy today, and all the classmates are praising you."

"Your brother, when will I lose my prestige?"

Su Yi smiled faintly, and then handed the copied [Wood You Jue] to Su Lin, "This is a mysterious wood-type exercise, you keep it for yourself."


Su Lin froze for a moment, then became excited.

With the wood-type kung fu, after being promoted to the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm, one can condense the Wood Soul and hit the Soul Gathering Realm.

"We must practice diligently and strive to be promoted to the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm as soon as possible."

Su Yi gave an order and returned to the room.

Afterwards, he lay on the bed and watched the warrior forum.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, take me and Xiaohong out, we still have something to say."

Only then did Su Yi realize that the [Smart Chariot] and the red chariot were always in his pockets.

"Sorry, I forgot about you."

Su Yi smiled apologetically, quickly took out the two chariots, and put them on the table next to them.

Behind, [Smart Chariot] chatted with the red chariot endlessly.

Su Yi ignored it and focused on watching the warrior forum.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Yi woke up from his sleep, but there was a slight voice in his ear.

Listen carefully, it is [Smart Chariot] talking about something.

"You two got up quite early." Su Yi said with a smile.

The red chariot was furious, "Su Yi, this guy is a talker, he's been talking to me all night, and he can't stay idle now."

Su Yi was shocked.

Are you not tired after a night?What can I say?

[Smart Chariot] is too powerful!

"No. 2, why don't you take a break?" Su Yi suggested.

"Su Yi, I'm very energetic and don't need to rest." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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