Chapter 797
Su Yi was also more interested in refining weapons, so he watched carefully from the sidelines.

From time to time, when I encounter something I don't understand, I will ask about it.

Guan Hua didn't hide it, and told all of his experience, as well as the things that need to be paid attention to in refining the weapon.

Su Yi benefited a lot.

An hour later, Guan Hua successfully forged [Obsidian Meteor Sword] into a magic weapon.

The [Obsidian Meteor Sword] at this time is bigger than before, with a smooth and clean surface, exuding a layer of dark luster, which is definitely not comparable to the previous roughness.

Su Yi couldn't wait to test the power of [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword], but he probably couldn't do it in Shen Gongyue's house.

Maybe if you strike out with a sword, the houses here will be destroyed.

Su Yi had no choice but to give up, thinking that he could go outside the city to try it out at night.

Later, he exchanged pleasantries with Shen Gongyue, and then left with Guan Hua.

Back home, Su Yi had nothing to do and started watching the warrior forum.

Due to the influx of many forces from Xuantian Continent, most of the posts on the warrior forum are related to this aspect.

After watching for a while, Li Zhenfeng suddenly called.

Su Yi thought that something happened in Yuancheng again, so he quickly got through the phone and asked, "Principal, what's wrong?"

Li Zhenfeng smiled mysteriously, "Su Yi, do you know the relationship between the Han family and Bi Luozong?"


Su Yi didn't expect Li Zhenfeng to say this.

He had thought about this before, and it really felt weird.

The Han family is just a small family, and how is it connected to a big sect like the Bi Luo Sect?

Moreover, Bi Luozong can also send a martial artist at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm to help out, the relationship is even more unusual.

"Principal, what is the reason?" Su Yi was a little curious.

"You may never think that Han Qianshan is too beastly!"

Li Zhenfeng cursed, and then said: "I just heard the news that Han Qianshan gave his own daughter to an elder of Biluozong as a concubine. His daughter is only in her 20s, and the elder of Biluozong All the elders are over 80, do you think Han Qianshan is a beast?"


Su Yi smashed his tongue and said with emotion: "It's not as good as a beast!"

For his own selfishness, Han Qianshan actually pushed his own daughter into the fire pit. A person who can do such a thing is no different from a beast.

And the elder of the Biluozong, who has such a hobby, is not as good as a beast!
If I knew Han Qianshan was this kind of person, I should have killed him before!
"Okay, I'll hang up if I have nothing else to do." Li Zhenfeng said.

The main reason for calling Su Yi was for this matter.

"Principal, how is the establishment of the Zongmen residence in Nanwai City?" Su Yi asked hastily.

People from Qingyun Sword Sect might come in a few days, if they didn't even arrange a place to live, it would be a loss of hospitality.

"We are hurrying to start construction. It will take about three days. I will let you know when the time comes." Li Zhenfeng replied.


Su Yi responded and hung up the phone.

Next, continue to watch the warrior forum.

In the next few days, while Su Yi was preparing to go to the forbidden area of ​​death, he waited for the arrival of the three people from Vulture Palace.

Time flies, three days have passed.

After the Zongmen residence in Nanwai City was established, Su Yi went to check it out.

The environment here is relatively clean, and the original two abandoned residential buildings were simply tidied up, barely meeting the occupancy standard.

Time is running out right now, so it's okay to fool around first, and it won't be too late to build slowly in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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