Chapter 798
Later, Su Yi arranged for all the people around him to live here.

Even Cao Qinglang's family of three moved here.

It is natural to celebrate when you move to a new home, and there is a big dinner in the evening.

The staple food is Yinxiao venison, chef Huo Tiancheng.

Su Yi invited Luo Junnan and others by the way, and also introduced Ji Xiaoning and others to everyone.

Among them, Sha Wenxuan was quite embarrassing.

This guy was rampant yesterday and yesterday, completely ignoring the powerhouses in Yuancheng.

But after being given a severe lesson by Su Yi, he became submissive to Su Yi in a blink of an eye, and the speed of change was astounding.

However, Sha Wenxuan's face is also thick enough, and he kept saying hello to people with a pig's face, and gradually became acquainted.

On the second day after the party, the people from Vulture Palace finally arrived.

There are three people in Vulture Palace, besides Li Rushuang, there is Luan Wanchang, a disciple of first level Illusory Spirit Realm, and Gu Zhuyue, the suzerain.

Su Yi and Gu Zhuyue talked for half a day, the two were frank and honest, and finally reached a cooperation intention.

Vulture Palace officially joined Yuancheng to help protect Yuancheng.

Su Yi provided Shouyuan Pill and cultivation resources.

Later, Su Yi introduced Gu Zhuyue to the senior officials of Yuancheng and Fang Weize.

With the arrival of Vulture Palace, Su Yi can go to the forbidden area of ​​death without worry.

Before leaving, he began to gather his men.

Since aura cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, the risk factor is still very high.

To be sure, Su Yi planned to find more people.

Of course, the people they are looking for must have a cultivation level above the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

In the end, the people he chose included Huo Tiancheng, Cao Qinglang, Li Rushuang, Ji Xiaoning, Ling Nianyao, Sha Wenxuan and Lin Qingshan.

Of course, Huo Tiancheng is only acting as a guide, after all, he only has the first level of Body Tempering Realm.

The number of people convened this time is actually not too many, but because of the need to protect the source city, they can't take everyone away.

However, in Su Yi's view, this lineup is strong enough.

Because his own defense and strength values ​​are far superior to those of the same level, and he possesses the three major body forging secret techniques, even if he cannot use aura, his combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the Gathering Soul Realm.

Besides, there are a lot of spiritual pets.

Time Dirt Beast and Half Moon Star Beast lose their aura, and their combat effectiveness is negligible.

But the combat power of Sky Splitting Eagle, Earth Core Ancient Dragon and Nannan is absolutely top-notch.

Especially nannie, who can be said to be invincible in the forbidden area of ​​death.

Even Su Yi would not be his opponent.

Su Yi called everyone together, informed the matter, and made a decision to go to the forbidden area of ​​death tomorrow.

Later, he asked everyone to go back and prepare.

Su Yi has already made preparations, so he is still relatively leisurely.

Walk around in the new place, look at the warrior forum, and chat a few words in the warm family group.

Time passed, and it was evening.

At this time, Zhao Zixuan, Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya from Qingyun Sword Sect suddenly came here.

Su Yi is not only the owner here, but also joined the Qingyun Sword Sect, so he took the initiative to meet the three of them.

"Su Yi, where's Uncle Fang?" Tang Xinya asked first.

In the past few days, they have been active in other cities of Blue Star, and the source city was notified by Fang Weize.

"It's not big or small, can you talk to me in this tone?" Su Yi immediately scolded.

As a true disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, his status is the same as that of an elder.

When Tang Xinya saw him, she should have called her uncle.

Calling him by his first name like this is disrespectful!
(End of this chapter)

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