Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 807 Meeting Mentally Disabled Brothers Again

Chapter 807 Meeting Mentally Disabled Brothers Again
"Su Yi, there are people you know in that base car." [Smart Chariot] reminded.


Su Yi frowned, "Who is it?"

"It's the two retarded brothers you call Chen Xiong and Chen Hu." [Smart Chariot] said with a smile.

"It's them?"

Su Yi was still a little surprised.

Chen Xiong and Chen Hu were taught a lesson in Tiancang City a few days ago, why did these two come here again?
"Is it just the two of them?" Su Yi asked.

"There is also a martial artist at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, and they seem to have seen us, and they are flying towards us." [Smart Chariot] quickly replied.

"The visitor is not kind!" There was a sneer on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

Although in Tiancang City, he severely humiliated these two people and even took a video.

It stands to reason that anyone with a little brain would not provoke him again.

But the brothers of the Chen family are different. One is mentally retarded, the other is brain-dead. They might do something impulsive if they are not sure.

What's more, this time there is an extra warrior at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, who is more likely to be unscrupulous.

If this is the case, the Chen brothers will be humiliated again.

After all, beside him is Ji Xiaoning, a powerhouse in the Illusory Spiritual Realm.Crushing the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, don't be too simple.

The base vehicle of the Chen brothers quickly rushed forward.

After the car door opened, the Chen Xiong brothers and a one-eyed middle-aged man came out in a file.

"Su Yi, it's Chen Hu and the others."

Li Rushuang and others gathered around Su Yi.

The Chen Hu brothers had conflicts with Su Yi, and they were all aware of it.

So, this encounter outside the city, will there be another dispute?

They all feel that this possibility is very high.

"Boy, it really is you!"

When Chen Xiong saw Su Yi, he laughed maniacally and said, "We are really close friends, we can meet each other here."

Su Yi curled his lips and chuckled, "Brother mentally handicapped, I haven't seen you for a few days, but I still look good!"

Even after a few days, Chen Hu still had the marks of being beaten on his face.

Even if it doesn't look like a pig's head, it's still very ugly.

"Boy, don't be arrogant! You have humiliated us, this time you must pay back your capital with interest!" Chen Hu roared angrily.

"What the hell are you! How dare you challenge Su Yi?"

Sha Wenxuan took the lead in mocking.

Ever since he learned that Su Yi was a true disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, he had wanted to make friends with Su Yi, and this was the opportunity to express himself.

"Sha Wenxuan, why are you here?" Chen Xiong was stunned.

Sha Wenxuan is a direct descendant of the Sha family, and the overall strength of the Sha family is not inferior to their Shadow Spirit Sect.

If Sha Wenxuan wanted to stand up for Su Yi, it would be a bit difficult.

"Can you handle it?"

Sha Wenxuan snorted coldly, and acted like he didn't take Chen Xiong seriously.

The fact is indeed true, he is a space spirit cultivator at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, but Chen Xiong only has the first level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he can crush Chen Xiong to death with just one finger.

"Sha Wenxuan, don't think that we are afraid of you just because you are a space spiritual practitioner!" Chen Hu was not to be outdone.

If he was singled out, he would definitely not be Sha Wenxuan's opponent.

However, they also had an elder at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm beside them, so they had no fear at all.

"Since you are not afraid, do you dare to make two tricks with me?" Sha Wenxuan challenged.

Chen Hu immediately faltered and remained silent.

The one-eyed man's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said darkly: "Sha Wenxuan, if you dare to speak such wild words again, I will really teach you a lesson!"

Seeing that both Chen Hu and Chen Xiong were captured by Sha Wenxuan's aura, as an elder, he naturally couldn't sit idly by.

(End of this chapter)

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