Chapter 808

When Sha Wenxuan wanted to speak, Su Yi stopped him with a look.

It is meaningless to continue to allow Sha Wenxuan and the other party to show their courage.

Furthermore, the other party clearly came to trouble him, and he had to face it sooner or later.

"Who are you?"

Su Yi looked at the one-eyed man and said calmly.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to understand that I'm here to teach you a lesson." The one-eyed man had a gloomy face, with contempt in his eyes, as if he regarded Su Yi as a fish on a chopping board.

"What arrogance!"

Cao Qinglang and the others were all angry, and they looked at the one-eyed man with sarcasm.

What is Su Yi's identity?
He is the patron saint of Yuancheng, the son-in-law of the Jiang family, and the future suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect.

In addition, Vulture Palace also fully supported Su Yi.

It can be said that Su Yi has a strong supporter behind him.

A mere Shadow Spirit Sect martial artist who dares to yell in front of Su Yi, isn't he seeking his own death?
Su Yi clicked his tongue, "Isn't this an idiot?"

You know, with so many people gathered around him, no matter how confident the one-eyed man is in his own strength, shouldn't he understand the situation first?
So arrogant and thoughtless, no different from Brother Chen Xiong.

One retarded, one brain-dead, and one idiot.

A nest of sand sculptures!

Su Yi felt a little sympathetic to the Shadow Spirit Sect.

If all the disciples of the Shadow Spirit Sect were people like Chen Xiong, they would all be wiped out sooner or later.

"Su Yi, his name is Cui Yanghui, he is a martial artist at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he is also an elder of the Shadow Spirit Sect." Li Rushuang reminded.

Su Yi nodded slightly, turned to look at Cui Yanghui, and said with a smile, "Uncle One-eyed, how are you going to deal with me?"

"You dare to scold me?"

Cui Yanghui's face was full of anger.

Su Yi talking about his eyes is tantamount to humiliating him.

"Sorry, I shouldn't attack personally."

Su Yi replied with an apologetic smile, "Then I'll call you brother idiot, so you can't be angry, right?"

"Ha ha."

Cao Qinglang and the others laughed.

"Depend on!"

Cui Yanghui couldn't bear it any longer, his one-eyed eyes shone coldly, and he said in a cold voice: "Boy, I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but you just wanted to provoke me, so I will definitely make your life worse than death!"


Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan stood in front of Su Yi, pointed at Cui Yanghui with a long sword in their hands, and said coldly, "You dare to threaten Uncle Su, you are so brave!"

Although they had conflicts with Su Yi before, Su Yi joined Qingyun Sword Sect after all, and he was still a true disciple.

Cui Yanghui's threat to Su Yi was a provocation to Qingyun Sword Sect.

As a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, it is natural to maintain the dignity of the sect.


The three of Cui Yanghui were stunned.

According to Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan, Su Yi is also a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect?And still an elder?
This is too much nonsense, right?
Qingyun Sword Sect is also a big sect, and the acceptance of disciples is very strict. Even if Su Yi joins Qingyun Sword Sect by chance, he is only a disciple at most. How can he become an elder?
Instinctively, Cui Yanghui and the others thought that Zhao Zixuan and Zhao Zixuan gave Su Yi'an the title of elder to protect Su Yi.

"Stop talking nonsense here, because this kid can still be the elder of your Qingyun Sword Sect?"

Cui Yanghui said disdainfully: "Even if he is the elder of your Qingyun Sword Sect? I, Cui Yanghui, will abuse him today! No one can stop him!"

(End of this chapter)

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