Chapter 820

"You are all waiting in the car, I'll go down and have a look."

Su Yi gave a warning and got out of the car alone.


Just as Su Yi got out of the car, the man had already rushed to him.

The two looked at each other and began to look at each other.

The man standing in front of Su Yi, in his 20s, has dark skin, a strong figure, and a resolute expression on his face.

"Your Excellency is here?" Su Yi said lightly.

"Are you from the Exiled Land?" The burly man narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

Su Yi's face darkened suddenly, and he warned: "You better speak up, this is Blue Star, not a place of exile."

The other party should be from Xuantian Continent, and what annoys him the most is that people in Xuantian Continent call Lan Xing a land of exile.

Those who said that before, without exception, were taught a lesson by him.

If the other party still dares to talk about the land of exile, he doesn't mind giving the other party some flair.

"It seems that you have a grudge against the word exiled land!"

The burly man froze for a moment, then smiled lightly.

"Just tell me what you have to say, don't waste time." Su Yi looked indifferent.

A sullen look appeared on the face of the burly man, but he did not get angry immediately, but asked, "Have you ever met a man named Mu Guangping?"


Su Yi was straightforward.

Don't say you didn't see Mu Guangping, even if you did.


The burly man's eyes flickered, he glanced at the [Smart Chariot], and said in an orderly tone: "Call everyone on the base vehicle down and let me check."

"Ha ha."

Su Yi laughed.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

The burly man's face became gloomy and cold, and he looked at Su Yi with a somewhat unfriendly look.

"I laugh at you like an idiot."

Su Yi snorted coldly, and said bluntly: "You say check, just check? What the hell are you! Get out of here before I get angry!"

Hearing this, the burly man's complexion turned extremely ugly, and a raging fire was ignited in his chest. He gritted his teeth and roared, "Boy, are you looking for death?"

"It's barking like a fucking dog! Come and bite me!" Su Yi provocatively said with a look of contempt on the corner of his mouth.

"Go to hell!"

The burly man couldn't bear it anymore, rushed to Su Yi, raised his hand and punched him out.

A violent gust of wind suddenly swept over.

"It's kind of interesting."

There was no movement on Su Yi's face, and he also slammed his fists.

The strength value of a general tenth-level Body Tempering Realm fighter is 2000 kilograms, but the strength value of a burly man definitely exceeds this limit, and may even reach more than 3000 kilograms.

With this kind of strength, there is indeed arrogance in the forbidden area of ​​death.

However, it also depends on who you are facing.

It's not enough to meet Su Yi.

Su Yi's strength value even reached a terrifying level of 4000 kg.

Choosing the hard steel of Su Yi is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

The next moment, the two fists collided without fancy, and there was a loud sound of landslides and ground cracks.

In vain, a huge body flew backwards, flew several meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

The one who was blown away was undoubtedly a burly man.

"Is Su Yi so fierce?"

Sha Wenxuan was stunned.

Others may not know the origin of the burly man, but he happened to know.

The burly man's name is Zhang Tianhua, and he is the top genius of the Beast Controlling Sect in the Xuantian Continent.

He is not only a Soul Gathering Realm Soul Cultivator, but also a Strength Cultivator.

There are rumors that Zhang Tianhua's strength value has broken through the level of 3000 kg.

He never thought that he would still be crushed by a punch in the face of hard steel with Su Yi.

From this we can see how terrifying Su Yi's strength should be.

(End of this chapter)

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