Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 821 Su Yi Still Has a Helper

Chapter 821 Su Yi Still Has a Helper
"Why is your strength so high?"

Zhang Tianhua got up from the ground in embarrassment, with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Su Yi with eyes full of deep shock.

"Are you in charge?"

Su Yi curled his lips, "Do you still want to fight? If you don't fight, get out, don't waste my time."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Tianhua laughed wildly, "Since my debut, Zhang Tianhua, no one has dared to tell me to get out!"

"In that case, do you still want to continue to be beaten?" Su Yi's eyes gradually narrowed.

"Do you think I dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​death alone, and that's all I can do?"

Zhang Tianhua sneered, and then patted a gray cloth bag on his waist.

Suddenly, a black light group shot out from it.

In an instant, it turned into a huge monster like a mountain, and it was indeed an ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

"It's actually an ancient dragon at the core of the earth!"

Su Yi was surprised.

The ancient dragons in the core of the earth are almost extinct, and his one was encountered from the ancient realm of Yuankong.

I never thought that Zhang Tianhua also had one.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhua's one was bigger than his one in terms of size, and it probably reached the fifth or sixth level of the Soul Gathering Realm.

"Boy, do you know you're afraid now?" Zhang Tianhua grinned grimly.

This ancient earth core dragon of his has reached a terrifying level of 10000 kilograms in strength, and it can almost be said to walk sideways in the forbidden area of ​​death. This is also his greatest reliance.

Although Su Yi's strength value can crush him, he will definitely not be the opponent of the ancient dragon at the core of the earth.

Therefore, he has already regarded Su Yi as a fish on a chopping board.

"You think too much."

Su Yi smiled faintly, "You have a hole card, and so do I, and it's much stronger than yours."

There is no room for bragging in this point, after all, there is a girl here.

Nannan's strength value surpassed the level of 20000 kilograms, crushing the ancient dragon in the center of the earth in front of her, just like playing.

"you also have?"

Seeing Su Yi's calm look, Zhang Tianhua was slightly taken aback.

However, he didn't believe that Su Yi's cards would be stronger than the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, so he said disdainfully: "So what if you have cards? I'm going to abuse you today!"

"It seems that you really plan to fight me to the end!" Su Yi sighed.

It stands to reason that there is no grievance or enmity with Zhang Tianhua, so after a little lesson, he plans to give up.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianhua was a little smacked, so he could only let his nannie teach him a lesson.

"Stop pretending to be a ghost!"

Zhang Tianhua screamed coldly.

Seeing the tense situation on the field, everyone in [Smart Chariot] became nervous.

Zhang Tianhua's ancient earth core dragon is extremely huge, and its strength value must be extremely terrifying.

They were all worried that Su Yi would not be an opponent.

"Let's go down and help Su Yi together?" Li Rushuang suggested.

"I agree."

Sha Wenxuan echoed: "With so many of us attacking together, we should be able to compete with the ancient dragon at the center of the earth!"

The others also agreed, and when he was about to get off the car, Wukong suddenly said, "Master and helpers, don't go down and make do with it."

Others don't know the existence of Nannan, but he knows it well.

With her daughter around, Zhang Tianhua's ancient dragon at the core of the earth will never be able to make waves.


Everyone was stunned.

Who is Su Yi's helper?Goku isn't kidding, is he?
"Wukong, Su Yi's two spiritual pets won't be rivals, right?" Cao Qinglang asked.

Su Yi also has an ancient geocentric dragon, and a sky-cracking eagle.

Instinctively, he thought that Wukong was talking about these two spiritual pets.

(End of this chapter)

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