Chapter 822

Wukong shook his head and said, "The master also has an extremely powerful spiritual pet, which is several times stronger than the earth core ancient dragon in front of him!"


Everyone gasped in unison.

Several times stronger than the ancient dragon in the center of the earth?What kind of terrifying strength does this require?

Su Yi really has such a powerful helper?
Everyone felt a little unbelievable, and at the same time felt that Wukong was boasting too much.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] spoke, "Wukong is right, you can just watch the fun with peace of mind."

Besides Wukong, he is the only one who has seen Nannan and clearly knows her strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the forbidden area of ​​death, the girl is invincible.

Even Su Yi would not be an opponent.

"So it's true!"

Everyone was shocked.

What Wukong said alone may not be convincing.

But if [Smart Chariot] also said so, the possibility is extremely high.

"No. 2, who is Su Yi's assistant?" Cao Qinglang asked curiously.

[Smart Chariot] said meaningfully: "You will know later."

"To make a fool of yourself!"

Cao Qinglang was a little upset, but she didn't ask any more questions, and looked out of the car with the others.

At this moment, Su Yi had already opened the [Langya Ring] to summon his daughter out.

When Nannan's petite figure appeared in sight, everyone was stunned.

This is Su Yi's powerful helper?

What can you do with the size of a palm?
Are you afraid that you won't be slapped into a meat paste by the ancient dragon in the center of the earth?
Wukong said with a smile: "Her name is Nannan. Although she looks harmless to humans and animals, don't be deceived by his appearance. This guy is quite violent! He is a full-fledged militant! He especially likes to fight."

Every time he thinks of the scene where his daughter abused the ancient dragon and other spiritual pets in [Langya Jie], he feels a little terrified.

Everyone was at a loss.

Is Wukong telling the truth?

Is the miniature girl in front of me really so fierce?

outside the car.

Zhang Tianhua sized her up, was stunned for a while, and suddenly sneered, "This little one is your helper, you are here to make fun of me."

Upon hearing this, Nannan was unhappy, pouted her lips, and said to Su Yi: "Brother, this guy's mouth is too stinky, I want to beat him up!"

Su Yi smiled slightly, and pointed at the ancient dragon at the core of the earth, "Ninny, help me beat up that big guy."


Nannan suddenly became excited, and walked towards the ancient dragon at the center of the earth eagerly.

For her, it doesn't matter who she hits, as long as there is a fight, it's fine.

"Boy, are you serious?"

Zhang Tianhua was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that Su Yi would really let this little guy deal with his ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

"Don't be silly, I'll take care of you after my daughter beats your ancient dragon to the core of the earth." Su Yi said casually.

"Depend on!"

Zhang Tianhua couldn't take it anymore, and shouted at the ancient dragon in the center of the earth: "Get rid of this little guy!"


The ancient dragon in the center of the earth showed a fierce light in his eyes, and he raised his head to the sky and roared.

A ferocious breath escaped from the body, sweeping towards the daughter.

Nannan was not surprised but happy, clapped her hands, and smiled, "Great, I can feel that you are much stronger than Xiaolong, so it's fun to fight like this!"

After saying that, she quickly rushed towards the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

Seeing that Nannan was not intimidated, and dared to charge forward, a bloodthirsty color appeared in the huge eyes of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and he was completely enraged.

(End of this chapter)

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