Chapter 824 You Think Too Much
Sha Wenxuan nodded, pulled Su Yi aside, and said in a low voice, "Su Yi, this guy is a core disciple of the Beast Master Sect. He has a special status. If he fights again, he will have problems."

"Is the Beast Sect really powerful?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

Sha Wenxuan said with a solemn expression: "The Emperor Beast Sect belongs to the super sect in the Xuantian Continent, and there is a strong person in the real spirit realm sitting in it."

"True Spirit Realm!"

Su Yi took a deep breath.

True Spirit Realm is known to be the strongest with the highest level of cultivation, and it is indeed not something he can provoke now.

It's just that he had already beaten Zhang Tianhua, so he had formed a relationship with Zhang Tianhua.

Even if he stops now, Zhang Tianhua will definitely take revenge on him.

"Boy, you should know my identity, right? You know I'm afraid now, don't you?" Zhang Tianhua spat out a mouthful of blood and laughed maniacally.

In his opinion, after Su Yi learned of his identity, he must be terrified to death.

Then, it was his turn to humiliate Su Yi.

"You are the core disciple of the Beast Sect, I already know." Su Yi turned around and walked up to Zhang Tianhua.

"Now that you know, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake!" Zhang Tianhua scolded.

"Ha ha."

Su Yi smiled contemptuously, "The person who can make me kneel has not yet been born, you may be thinking too much."

Not to mention a disciple of the Beast Control Sect, even if the master of the Beast Control Sect is here, he will not give in.

"Aren't you afraid of the wrath of our Beast Controlling Sect?" Zhang Tianhua's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Su Yi smiled faintly, "This is a forbidden place for death, and there are no witnesses around. If you die here, your beast masters will not know that I did it."

For the time being, he hasn't considered silence, just to scare him.

Of course, if things are too difficult, you can only be ruthless.

"You want to kill me?"

Zhang Tianhua's heart trembled suddenly.

Sha Wenxuan was also taken aback and tried his best to wink at Su Yi.

The Royal Beast Sect is very protective of the calf, especially the core disciples are extremely cherished.

If Zhang Tianhua died here, the Emperor Beast Sect would definitely not let it go.

As for the energy of the Beastmaster Sect, one can definitely find out the truth.

At that time, let alone Su Yi, even these people would not be able to survive alone.

Unmoved, Su Yi raised his foot and kicked Zhang Tianhua several times, Zhang Tianhua almost passed out.

Anyway, the beams have already been formed, and there is no difference between one kick and ten kicks.

"Su Yi, it's almost there."

Sha Wenxuan hurriedly dissuaded him, he was really worried that Su Yi would accidentally kick Zhang Tianhua to death.

Su Yi breathed out, and glanced at Zhang Tianhua coldly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you for now, let's play slowly, and I will definitely play until you despair!"


Looking at Su Yi's cold eyes, Zhang Tianhua's mouth trembled.

At this moment, he was really scared.

"That's cowardly? Aren't you awesome?" Su Yi sarcastically said.

Zhang Tianhua behaved himself this time and kept silent.

If this angered Su Yi, he might suffer another kick.

Su Yi ignored her, and turned to Nannan and said, "Nannan, drag that earth-centric ancient dragon here."

"Okay big brother."

Nannan ran over excitedly.


There was a layer of panic in the huge eyes of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and it kept moving backwards.

Before, Nanna punched it and severely injured it.

The terrifying strength to the extreme left an indelible impression on it.

When I saw my daughter running towards it, I couldn't help feeling afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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