Chapter 825 What a pity

"Big brother told you to go over, why are you running?"

Nannan pursed her lips, raised her fist, and snorted angrily, "You'd better be honest, don't make me angry!"

The ancient dragon at the core of the earth trembled, and moved back even faster.

"Are you still running?"

Nannan became angry, and stretched out a small hand to lift the ancient dragon into mid-air, and then slammed it down.

A loud bang.

The ancient dragon at the core of the earth hit the ground fiercely, smashing the ground into a deep pit, and cracks like a spider web were cracked around it.

In the deep pit, the ancient dragon lying in the center of the earth was lying in it like a puddle of mud, with countless bones broken all over its body, and it was breathing weakly.

"Too violent!"

Seeing this scene, Sha Wenxuan clicked his tongue fiercely.

It's hard to imagine that a petite and lovely daughter can be so violent!

As Wukong said, he is indeed a full-fledged militant.

"Is it honest now?"

Nannan snorted, and under the despairing eyes of the ancient dragon at the core of the earth, she dragged him to Su Yi.

"Zhang Tianhua, I'll ask you a few questions next, and you must answer them honestly." Su Yi glanced at Zhang Tianhua and said in a cold voice.

Zhang Tianhua was completely overwhelmed, so he nodded hastily.

"Who did you enter the forbidden area of ​​death with?" Su Yi asked.

Zhang Tianhua is a disciple of the Beast Controlling Sect, and the Beast Controlling Sect is too powerful. If you have companions, you must be careful.

"Only me." Zhang Tianhua said softly.

"How dare you break into the forbidden area of ​​death alone, you are quite brave!" Su Yi said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhua lowered his head.

Originally, with the strength of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, he could run rampant in the forbidden area of ​​death.

Unexpectedly, he met Su Yi and was crushed as soon as he met him.

If he had known that the Blue Star people were so fierce, he would not have come here alone, let alone provoke Su Yi.

Now that Xiao Ming is holding Su Yi's hand, he feels uneasy in his heart.

Su Yi continued to ask: "What is your purpose in coming to the forbidden area of ​​death?"

He guessed that Zhang Tianhua should have come here to hunt down Mu Guangping, but whether this was the case, he had to ask.

"I'm here to find Mu Guangping, because he has a piece of No Mind Flowing Soul Wood." Zhang Tianhua said truthfully.

"Sure enough."

Su Yi muttered, and kicked Zhang Tianhua without warning.

Zhang Tianhua was dumbfounded.

He told the truth, why did Su Yi beat him?
This is too bullying, right?

Sha Wenxuan also didn't understand why Su Yi became angry.

"Do you know why I hit you?"

Su Yi snorted coldly and said, "Mu Guangping is my friend. If you force Mu Guangping into a dangerous place like the Death Forbidden Zone, what if something goes wrong? That's why I want to beat you."

Zhang Tianhua was wronged.

When he heard the news, Mu Guangping had already been forced into the death penalty area, and it had nothing to do with him.

However, seeing that Su Yi was angry, he was afraid of angering Su Yi and being beaten again, so he apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Wouldn't it be nice to be so knowledgeable earlier?"

Su Yi snorted, and continued to ask: "Is your earth core ancient dragon male or female?"

If it is a mother, you can consider giving it to Xiaolong as a daughter-in-law.

In this way, a few more small earth core ancient dragons can be born.

Zhang Tianhua opened his mouth, "It's public."

Su Yi's sudden words caught him off guard.


Su Yi looked regretful, "I can't give birth to a small ancient dragon in the center of the earth, so I can only bleed some blood."

(End of this chapter)

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