Chapter 826
Since the ancient earth dragon is a male, it can't be with the little dragon, and it can't give birth to more small ancient dragons, which is somewhat regrettable.

However, thinking about the need to refine a large amount of quenching pills later, it is possible to bleed more blood on the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

Hearing this, the ancient dragon in the core of the earth trembled in fright.

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Tianhua was also a little worried.

The ancient dragon in the center of the earth is not only his spiritual pet, but also regarded as a friend by him.

Judging from Su Yi's tone, it seemed that he wanted to kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

"Just let some blood out, it won't kill it."

Su Yi smiled faintly, and then punched the ancient dragon in the center of the earth on the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Let it go!"

Zhang Tianhua roared.

Su Yi turned a blind eye, opened the [Langya Ring], and took the ancient dragon in the center of the earth into it.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhua's eyes were about to burst.

"If you flirt with me again, I will still beat you!" Su Yi warned.

Zhang Tianhua panicked immediately, and could only bury his anger and unwillingness in his heart.

"Su Yi, how to deal with this guy?"

Sha Wenxuan came forward and asked in a low voice.

"Just kill it, just dig a hole and bury it." Su Yi's face was cold.

In fact, so far, he really didn't know how to deal with Zhang Tianhua.

Definitely not if you let it go.

With Zhang Tianhua's actions, he is not guilty of death.

The reason why he said this was entirely to scare Zhang Tianhua.

Zhang Tianhua took it seriously, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Let me go, I won't dare again."

Knowing his identity, Su Yi still punched and kicked him, showing his ferocious side to the fullest.

He was really afraid that Su Yi would kill people to silence him.

"If I let you go, you won't find someone to take revenge on me, right?" Su Yi said thoughtfully.

"No, I swear!"

Zhang Tianhua promised with all his heart.

Of course, this guarantee is only a stopgap measure.

Being humiliated and beaten by Su Yi like this, how can I bear this tone?
Su Yi didn't believe it foolishly, and said lightly: "You will follow me in the next few days, and we will see your performance."

"Yes." Zhang Tianhua hastily agreed.

In his opinion, as long as he can save his life, he can take it slowly.

"You're still very smart."

Su Yi smiled slightly, and suddenly put his foot on Zhang Tianhua's face.

This kick was so strong that it directly knocked Zhang Tianhua unconscious.

"Old Sha, drag this guy to the car." Su Yi ordered.


Sha Wenxuan took Zhang Tianhua into the car.

"Nannah, go back to [Langya Ring] and look at that ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and give it some blood." Su Yi turned to explain to her.

"Brother, how much blood should you bleed on it?" Nannan asked with her head tilted.

"It doesn't need to be too much. I'll give you a hundred mineral water bottles later, just fill them up." Su Yi said.

Filling a hundred bottles would cost more than 100 catties of blood essence, and with the physique of an ancient dragon in the center of the earth, it should be able to bear it.

And with this hundred catties of blood essence, it will be enough for refining Zhuti Pill in the future.


The girl nodded.

Later, Su Yi sent his daughter into the [Langya Ring] and returned to the [Smart Chariot], just as he was about to leave here.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, those who chased us before have caught up."

(End of this chapter)

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