Chapter 827
"The ghost doesn't go away!"

Su Yi snorted and got out of the car.

Originally, he didn't intend to have any contact with the other party, but unexpectedly the other party followed him like a tarsal maggot, which made him feel very bored, so he didn't intend to be polite.

Not long after Su Yi got out of the car, the base car came up to him.

Soon, five men filed out.

"Guangzhu, it's Boss You who was injured by this kid!"

A man with pointed ears and monkey cheeks pointed at Su Yi, and said to a square-faced man beside him.

The square-faced man's eyes were shining sharply, and he stared at Su Yi, "Boy, you dare to beat my younger brother You Chengji, you are not small!"

Su Yi pinched his nose, and said lightly: "It was your younger brother who provoked me first, and he had no choice but to take the initiative to teach him a lesson. If there is another time, I will do it again."

"Ha ha."

You Chengji smiled contemptuously, "Boy, that's crazy! However, no one who dares to hit my brother will end well."

"I can understand your mood."

Su Yi nodded, "If my younger brother was beaten, I would also stand up for him. So stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it."

Seeing that Su Yi was so confident, You Chengji muttered instead, and after taking another look at Su Yi, he asked, "Boy, aren't you afraid?"

"Does it make a difference whether you are afraid or not? Anyway, you have to do it." Su Yi said indifferently.

You Chengji didn't expect Su Yi to answer like this, he was stunned for a moment, and said with a sneer: "Boy, you are very interesting and self-aware. But no matter what, I still want to break your legs today!"

"Then come on, don't be like a girl." The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and he hooked his finger at You Chengji.

Seeing Su Yi's provocative action, You Chengji couldn't stand it anymore, and roared: "Let's go together!"

Su Yi's performance was too calm, which made him feel uncertain.

For the sake of caution, he didn't make a move.

He decided to let others verify Su Yi's strength first.


The four men beside You Chengji showed ferocious expressions, and rushed towards Su Yi like a tiger.

If they were outside the forbidden area of ​​death, they would definitely not dare to fight Su Yi.

But spiritual energy cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, so they have nothing to worry about.

There was no movement on Su Yi's face, and when the opponent rushed to him, he cast [Liuyun Fengying] and disappeared in place in an instant.

What followed was the sound of bones breaking.

But the four men were knocked to the ground without exception, howling non-stop.

"How could this be?"

You Chengji was dumbfounded.

Su Yi's strength was completely beyond his expectations.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized why Su Yi was so confident.

At the same time when I realized it, I started to feel uneasy in my heart.

If he was outside the forbidden area of ​​death, with his strength in the Illusory Spirit Realm, it would not be a problem to crush Su Yi.

But now that he is in the forbidden area of ​​death and cannot use spiritual energy, his strength has dropped to the freezing point, and he is only a little stronger than ordinary tenth-level body tempering realm warriors.

He would never be Su Yi's opponent.

"Old You, don't you want to avenge your brother? Why don't you do it?"

Su Yi looked at You Chengji and made a joke.

You Chengji swallowed, took two steps back subconsciously, and forced a smile, "My brother is arrogant and domineering, and it's his own fault to be taught a lesson by you. So, I was only joking with you just now."

It's embarrassing to say that, but it's better than being beaten up.

(End of this chapter)

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