Chapter 834
Li Rushuang sensed the murderous aura escaping from Su Yi, and hurriedly persuaded him, "Su Yi, let's take a long-term plan."

Once started, it will evolve into a situation of endless death.

Most of the casualties will be barbarians.

Because, since I met Su Yi, I have never seen Su Yi suffer a loss.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, Su Yi can easily resolve it and give a fatal counterattack.

Although the barbarians present were superior in number, their overall strength was tyrannical.

But it also depends on who you are facing.

Su Yi was definitely something they couldn't afford to provoke, and she was very sure of that.

As barbarians, they naturally don't want to see their fellow tribes slaughtered.

Su Yi felt that what Li Rushuang said made sense.

After all, they came here for the Poria cocos flower, and fighting in battle was not the best choice.

In addition, Li Rushuang is also a barbarian.Killing her compatriots face to face would leave a very bad impression on Li Rushuang.

In consideration of these two points, Su Yi did not get angry, but said calmly: "Since you don't want to make a deal, then let's leave."

"Ha ha!"

The barbarian leader sneered, "Come when you say you come, and leave when you say you want?"

"Are you so confident that you can keep us?" Su Yi showed no fear.

Don't want to do it, it doesn't mean you are afraid.

If the other party doesn't know good from bad, then he can take this opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"We don't want to conflict with you, but don't go too far!"

This time, even Li Rushuang couldn't help it.

The barbarian leader's face was as gloomy as water, and he smiled sullenly, "You must have been confused by this kid's rhetoric, so let me rescue you!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, "Take them down!"


Immediately, all the barbarians charged towards Su Yi and the two of them.

"court death!"

Su Yi snorted coldly, quickly cast [Liu Yun Feng Ying], and disappeared in place like a hurricane.

Then there was a howling sound.

But he saw that Su shuttled among the barbarians like a ghost. Everywhere he went, some barbarians were punched to the ground, or kicked and flew away.

In the blink of an eye, [-] or [-] barbarians have been defeated and lost the battle.

Fortunately, Su Yi didn't want to kill them, he just wounded them.

"too strong!"

Seeing Su Yi's bravery, the rest of the barbarians were terrified.

You must know that those barbarians who rushed up were all strong men at the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

So many people besieged Su Yi alone, but they were not all enemies.

Su Yi's strength gave them a strong shock.

The pupils of the barbarian leader suddenly constricted.

He also didn't expect Su Yi to be so tough.

However, the stronger Su Yi behaved, the stronger the killing intent in his heart.

The barbarian leader's face gradually became grim, and he suddenly gave orders to the people around him, "Let the archers shoot their arrows together, kill them!"

Whoosh whoosh.
Suddenly there was a sound of piercing in the surrounding area.

A rain of arrows poured down towards Su Yi and the two of them.

Li Rushuang's face became extremely ugly, facing such a dense arrow rain attack, she was powerless to resist, so the only thing waiting for her was death!

At this critical moment, a golden figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, it was Su Yi who had cast [Smelting Golden Body].

With Su Yi's ability, he could dodge arrow attacks.

But he will not ignore Li Rushuang.

After all, Li Rushuang has been regarded as a friend.

Even though he knew it was dangerous, he still had no hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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