Chapter 835

Bang bang bang.
Su Yi swept the [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword] in the air, and dozens of flying arrows were swept away.

However, there were too many arrows coming, and it was impossible to stop them with just a sword.

With two puffs, Su Yi was hit by two arrows, and a piercing pain rushed into his heart.


Su Yi was stunned.

[Smelting Golden Body] has been strengthened three times, and his own defense is also extremely strong. Except for some sharp magic weapons, ordinary weapons can never hurt him at all.

Then, why can the arrows used by the opponent break through his defense?

Su Yi didn't have time to think too much, the opponent's arrow had the ability to break through the defense, and could threaten his life.

It would be fine if he was the only one.

Li Rushuang was beside the key, so he couldn't take care of it at all.

Seeing the barbarians bending their bows and setting up arrows, preparing for the second wave of arrow rain, Su Yi snorted coldly, opened the [Qiankun Ring], took out a dozen explosive seeds, and threw them out with a raised hand.


Accompanied by waves of explosions, the surrounding barbarians were turned upside down by the explosions and made a mess.

Su Yi didn't stop either, taking advantage of the chaos and leading Li Rushuang out of the encirclement.


Seeing Su Yi and Li Rushuang fleeing from under his nose, the barbarian leader gritted his teeth angrily!
"Patriarch, do you want to chase them?"

A barbarian asks the barbarian leader for instructions.

The barbarian leader's face was uncertain, he thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "Order, go on alert, strengthen your defense!"

Whether it is speed, strength or defense, Su Yi is far beyond the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

It gave him a strong shock.

In the face of such a terrifying opponent, fighting with it in close quarters is tantamount to death.

Only large-scale arrows can suppress it.

Therefore, the clansmen were not allowed to continue chasing.

"When did the human race produce such a powerful force repairer!"

The barbarian leader looked at the place where Su Yi disappeared, and murmured with lingering fear.

On the other side, Su Yi and Li Rushuang have returned to the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, are you injured?"

Seeing the two arrows stuck in Su Yi's body, everyone became worried.

"It's all my fault." Li Rushuang was full of guilt.

With Su Yi's ability, no matter how many arrows are flying towards him, he can still dodge it.

If it wasn't for protecting her, she wouldn't be hurt at all.

"It's just a small injury, Senior Sister Li doesn't need to take it to heart."

Su Yi smiled faintly, and pulled out the two arrows casually.

Although the two arrows broke through his defense, they only hurt a little flesh.

"Su Yi, what happened?" Ji Xiaoning asked.

"It's the way it is."

Su Yi narrated what happened in the original.

After listening, everyone was angry.

Su Yi just wanted to make a deal with the barbarian, but the other party attacked and besieged him, it was too deceitful!
"Su Yi, let's go there and kill them!" Cao Qinglang said angrily.

Sha Wenxuan followed suit, "Those barbarians are too arrogant. If you don't show any color, you think we humans are easy to bully!"

"The master who dares to hurt me, Wukong, I will never agree!" Wukong said angrily.

"Uncle Su, let's do it!"

Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan couldn't bear it any longer.

"Don't be impatient."

Su Yi waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

I have fought against barbarians before, and I know the opponent's strength very well.

With them and a few spiritual pets, it is enough to destroy it.

However, the opponent's arrows are too powerful.

With his defense, he inevitably suffered a little injury, let alone the others.

Reckless rushing to the past can easily cause casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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